Kin Kato (1889)

Image courtesy of Wellesley College Archives

Kin Kato (1888-1889)

Miss. Kin Kato was the first female recipient of a government grant for 3 years of advanced study abroad in the U.S. and England. She attended Wellesley College as a special student from 1888 to 1889, the first international student ever at the institution. Before coming to Wellesley, she taught at Jokoshi (Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School), and studied at Oswego Normal School in New York.
Courses Taken: Philosophy II, Zoology I and II, Rhetoric I, Literature II, Music, Pedagogics

A talented writer, the Wellesley College Digital Scholarship and Archive shows she wrote several articles for “The Courant: College Edition” and “The Wellesley Prelude” during her time at the school. 

Other Institutions Attended: Jokoshi Normal School for Women in Tokyo, Oswego Normal School in New York State, Salem State Normal School (what is now known as Salem State University) in Massachusetts 


After Wellesley...

  • Became an English teacher at Jokoshi (Higher Normal School for Women)
  • Authored textbooks for English study
  • In 1890, married Hidekazu Takeda

Kin Kato passed away on August 29th, 1913 at the age of 52.