Event Planning

LWC Tishman Dinner Layout

Welcome to the Events and Scheduling Office.  

The Events and Scheduling Office staff is here to guide you through all your scheduling needs and be a resource to support your event planning. All activities must comply with current Wellesley College guidelines for gatherings.  All use of space and resources must be registered in 25Live for indoors, outdoors, and virtual events.  Please do not publicise your activity until you have been notified that your reservation is confirmed.

Sustainable events are our mission.  The Sustainablity Office and The Sustainability Committee have provided some information on hosting a zero waste event.  

Publicizing your event.  Event sponsors may update their publicity in 25Live and select the appropriate calendar category. Please use caution when announcing your event publicly to ensure that your description is clear with information about how to register and who to contact for more information. 

If you need to modify an existing reservation, please email your scheduling office. 

Helpful resources:
Event Planning Checklist for Lectures, Performances, Large Scale Events
Scheduling FAQ's and tips

25Live Scheduling site

Reservation checklist
Community Calendar or Public Calendar
Academic Calendars

Questions? Contact your schedulers at:

Department-sponsored: eventsoffice@wellesley.edu
Student organization-sponsored: studentinvolvement@wellesley.edu
Athletics: athletics@wellesley.edu
Curricular activities:  registrar@wellesley.edu

Our goal is to provide faculty and staff with tools and information to plan and schedule a successful meeting, program or event.

Scheduling tools on the web

25Live Pro is the recognized college tool for all reservations.
Express Scheduling for your virtual meetings is located on the dashboard of 25LivePro

Scheduling a College-Sponsored Meeting, Program, or Event

Basic meetings require a minimum of three business days to process. Events requesting the use of departmentally managed space may take longer to generate all approvals necessary.  25Live will notify approvers in a timely manner.  Events that require resources (such as sound, AV, videographers, special set-ups) require a minimum of 7 days notice.

The Wellesley College Scheduling System is the site you want to visit to check availability, find a space that meets your needs, request space and services on campus, and view all of your scheduled activities. Access to request the use of space and resources and view user preferences is only available after logging into the system with your Domain Wellesley College username and password.


The only acceptable and recognized method for scheduling events on campus is 25Live. It is the system of record on campus and is used by all requestors, schedulers, service providers, help desk personnel, and dispatchers. It is the only recognized tool for obtaining services, reserving space, publicizing events, obtain space utilization data, and for safety and security purposes.

Scheduling a Non-College Sponsored Meeting, Program, or Event

The Wellesley College Club is currently closed.  We welcome inquiries for space on campus from our Alumns and neighbors but we do have more limited availability at this time.  During the academic year when classes are in session and student are in residence, priority is granted to college sponsored activites needing space and resources.  For non-college sponsored events and/or space inquiries, please contact eventsoffice@wellesley.edu

Weddings, Commitments, Memorials, Baptisms

For inquiries about holding your wedding, commitment, memorial or baptism ceremony at Wellesley College, please first visit the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life website or the Ceremonies at Wellesley College website or contact the Chapel Coordinator at 781-283-2615.

Meet Our Staff

Terri Flutie, Scheduling Manager
Physical Plant, Suite 130  

Sarah Willis, Event Manager and Scheduling System Administrator
Physical Plant, Suite 128      

Have a General Question and Not Sure Who to Ask?

Email:   EventsOffice@wellesley.edu