Keiko Okamoto ('53)

Keiko Okamoto Chiba ('53)

Keiko Chiba was a member of the Wellesley College class of 1953. Before Wellesley, she studied at Tsuda College. She and Tamako Ishibashi ('53) were the first Japanese students to be accepted to Wellesley after the war. 

Studies at Wellesley: History of Art

Other Institutions: Tsuda College (graduated in 1949)


After Wellesley...

  • Married the diplomat Kazuo Chiba in 1954. She traveled with her husband to his assignments in places such as Switzerland, Iran, Washington D.C., and Moscow. He also became the consultate general in Germany, and the Japanese ambassador to Sri Lanka and the UK. Together, they worked with British and Japanese ex-servicement and participated in activities to help handicapped people.
  • Served as president of Wellesley Club of Tokyo, and was an active member assisting in the counseling of students who wanted to study abroad.

Okamoto passed away on September 1st, 2015.