Christian Observances

Christian Observances


Advent - The Christian Life Community observes Advent by focusing on a particular theme and following an Advent Devotional. Copies of the devotionals are free and available in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.

Virgin of Guadalupe - In December we hold a Virgin of Guadalupe Mass, often in Spanish, in Houghton Chapel. The entire Christian Community is invited to attend. After Mass we gather around a meal of tamales, hot chocolate and cake. Student groups often take part performing traditional dances to celebrate the day.

Christmas - Before fall term exams begin, the Christian Life Community hosts a Christmas Party in the Multifaith Center. During the party we sing Christmas Carols, watch a Christmas movie, and make cookies and decorate ornaments.

Vespers - The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and the Choral Music Program present an evening of candlelight, music, readings, and carols. A longstanding Wellesley tradition, Christmas Vespers heralds the arrival of the holiday season in the beautiful setting of Houghton Chapel.

Click on the below links to watch our in person attended services.

2024 Vespers Service

2023 Vespers Service

2022 Vespers Service

2019 Vespers Service

2018 Vespers Service

Pancake Day - Every year we mark the beginning of Lent with the tradition of Pancake Day. We celebrate the day on a Sunday evening after our worship services. On that evening we discuss the practice of Lent and distribute Lent devotionals for the students to follow during the 40 days of Lent.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. We hold service in Houghton Chapel with the imposition of ashes. Ashes are also available throughout the day in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. Students are invited to either Mass or Protestant Holy Communion where palms are blessed and distributed. After the services we have a simple dinner and programming on the significance of Palm Sunday.

Holy Week - Students gather throughout the week to observe Holy Week. There is a combination of student led programming and Holy Week Services. Often students will walk to one of our local churches to celebrate Holy Thursday. On Good Friday students gather for the Walking Stations of the Cross at midday. Stations are set up around the campus and students take part in leading this service.

Easter - On Easter Sunday the Christian Community gathers for a Festival Eucharist in the afternoon and an Easter Dinner. We also host an Easter Egg hunt on the chapel lawns.

Other offerings - Throughout the year we observe Christian Celebrations from around the world. Students are encouraged to share their own Christian holiday practices from home and introduce them to the Christian Life Community.

See our Spiritual Communities section for more information.