TIAA Resources

TIAA Resources

Meet the TIAA financial consultants supporting Wellesley

Rina Discepolo and Peter Berkery

You may call TIAA directly at 800-732-8353 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET) to schedule an onsite or online individual consultation with Rina Discepolo and Peter Berkery 

Rina Discepolo will be having on campus sessions the following dates. 

TIAA's onsite Winter and Spring schedule 

Onsite meetings take place at Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, room 210, 9 - 4PM

  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025 
  • Wednesday, February 26, 2025  
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2025 
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025
  • Wednesday, April 9, 2025
  • Wednesday, May 7, 2025

A beneficiay is more than a name

Online resource "Guiding Through Turbulent Times" provides up-to-date education and insights to help guide participants through the uncertain times.

Tips and Testimonials for Gen Y's: Starting Your Financial Life

TIAA Digital Challenge

Retire Inequality: Blueprints to Believe In to learn more

TIAA Q&A For Handling Market Volatility


TIAA celebrates and honors Disability Awareness Month by highlighting the achievements and financial succes of men and women with disabilities and those that act as caretakers for families and communities. TIAA's Blueprints to Believe In website ( features real people sharing their experiences, perspectives, and advice on how to address financial realities facing this diverse community. 

This Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th through October 15th), TIAA is featuring real stories of leaders who are retiring inequality for themselves and others.

TIAA is on a mission to retire inequality. For more than 100 years, we have been committed to providing access and financial education to millions of Americans to provide a more secure future for everyone. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re featuring real experiences, perspectives, and advice on how to address financial realities facing this diverse community.

See Retire Inequality: Blueprints to Believe In to learn more (

Blueprints to Believe In: Driving Prosperity, Power and Progress in America 

Proyectos que Inspiran el Empoderamiento Y El Progreso en los Estados Unidos 


TIAA celebrates and honors Pride Month by empowering the LGBTQ+ community to achieve financial security by raising awareness of the need for all members of LGBTQ+ to be able to live freely and achieve their and achieve their retirement dreams with conversations to educate and challenge preconceptions. 

The LGBTQ+ Financial Landscape (US Bank, 2022)

These 3 unique challenges have an 'overarching effect' on LGBTQ people's finances (Ryan Emy, CNBC, 6/30/30)

LGBTQ+ Americans are less confident than straight peers when it comes to saving for retirement (Carmen Reinicke, CNBC, 6/30/2022)

Retirement Confidence Survey and the LGBTQ Community (EBRI, 6/12/2022)


To contact TIAA, go to or call 1-800-842-2252.

Contact: Human Resources Office | Office of Human Resources & Equal Opportunity |