First -Year Apprentice Program
The First-Year Apprentice Program is intended for first-year students who come from high schools that did not offer many science laboratory opportunities. Students will be able to "shadow" a research group during the spring semester of their first year in college. Students will participate in research group meetings and learn from their peers in the lab/group and from the faculty mentor what it's like to be part of a research group. Students are not required to have prior laboratory experience to participate, but are required to have an interest in STEM and to participate in the lab approximately 3 - 4 hours each week once accepted into the program. The skills students gain in their apprenticeship will be transferable to other labs and/or disciplines. They are not required or obligated to stay in that lab, and that the lab is similarly not obligated to retain them in the group for the future. However, the faculty mentor will help students apply for the Summer Research and Sophomore Early Research Programs or other opportunities if students are interested. A reflection statement will be required of all participants at the end of the spring semester. There will be a small stipend for those who demonstrate high financial need.
The application will be posted soon.
Contact: Dr. Ayana McCoy, Assistant Director, Science Center | L146 | | x2903