Wellesley College provides private lactation rooms on campus to support parents balancing work and lactation needs. In additional, reasonable unpaid break time will be provided each day to an employee who needs lactation care. The break time will, if possible, run concurrently with any break time already provided to the employee. Supervisors should attempt to provide as much flexibility as reasonably possible to accommodate the lactating parent.
Lactation Rooms Our lactation rooms provide a secure environment free from intrusion. The three lactation rooms on campus are: Green Hall 140, Science Building W121-Parents Room, and Clapp Library Modulars. Nursing parents will need to provide their own breast pumps. A google calendar is available for your convenience.
To ensure privacy, these spaces can only be used by those who have authorization to use the room. Please complete the request form (in Word for easy completion) and e-mail it or deliver it in person to Sandra Murga (smurgazu@wellesley.edu or Room 141 in Green Hall) to obtain access.