Electron Gun 1
The low-energy flood electron gun (Kimball Physics model FRA-2X1-2) is capable of producing electrons of variable energy in the range of 2 eV to 1000 eV. According to product specifications, the electron gun has a calculated cathode thermal spread of 0.4 eV.
Electron Gun 2
The Kimball Physics ELG-2 Electron Gun, with its matching EGPS-1022 Power Supply, is intended for use in electron stimulated desorption studies, secondary electron emission coefficient measurement studies, surface physics and other vacuum physics studies.
Beam energy, beam current and spot size are independently adjustable over wide ranges. The energy is variable in two ranges. From 1 eV to 200 eV in Low Range and up to 2 keV in High Range. By use of multistaging and a computer-designed electron zoom lens, a constant beam current is maintained over a two-order-of-magnitude change in energy, with a spot size also roughly constant. The gun can deliver 1 µA into an approximately 1 mm spot, at a 2 cm working distance and 10 eV. The electron gun uses a unipotential refractory cathode to generate a beam of low energy spread.