Pay My WSAS Private Education Loan
Do you have a Private Education Loan (PEL) with the Wellesley Students' Aid Society and need to make a payment? Individuals with a WSAS PEL may make a payment(s) at any time once they have reviewed and accepted the PEL terms and have signed the Master Promissory Note. There are a few different ways to make a payment on your WSAS PEL:
Borrowers View Central – A Borrowers View Central account will be created for borrowers who are preparing to leave Wellesley College (option only available to graduating/transferring/withdrawing students – not available to currently enrolled students). Through Borrowers View Central, borrowers will have instant access to their WSAS PEL account information and can process payments.
First-time users of Borrowers View Central can access their account using the login credentials provided by WSAS (via email). Please contact us at for assistance with accessing Borrowers View Central.
Online Payment - To make a payment online, please visit our WSAS Loan Payments page. If you are a first-time user of the Loan Payments page, you will need to set up an account and provide the routing and account number of a checking/savings account in order to process your payment. Click on "Register" in the upper right corner of the page to create your account. Once your account has been created, add "WSAS Private Education Loan Payment" to your cart and enter your Payment Amount.
If you already have an account on the WSAS Loan Payments page, please sign in to your account before adding "WSAS Private Education Loan Payment" to your cart to process your payment.
Sign Up for Direct Debit - WSAS can automatically deduct your WSAS PEL Quarterly Payment from your checking account once the Grace Period has ended (option not available to currently enrolled students). If you would like to sign up for this payment option, please fill out an ACH Authorization Form, attach a voided check (or a direct deposit letter from your bank confirming your account and routing numbers), and mail it to WSAS using the mailing address below. WSAS will also accept images of this documentation (.jpg/.pdf) emailed to Please continue to make payments on your PEL until you receive a confirmation email from WSAS stating that your account has been set up for processing payments via Direct Debit.
Set Up Auto-Pay Through Your Bank - Your bank may offer Auto-Pay/Online Bill Pay. Borrowers access Bill Pay through their online banking account, set WSAS up as a payee (using WSAS mailing address below), and schedule a payment(s). Please enter your PEL Account# as the Account Number or enter it in the memo field. Your bank will then mail a printed check to WSAS.
With this payment option, borrowers may elect to pay their Quarterly PEL payment in three monthly installments. Please ensure your monthly payments are equal to or exceed the Quarterly payment due on your PEL. For example, if you owe $375 for the Quarterly payment, each monthly payment should be at least $125.
Personal/Cashier’s Check or Money Order - You may mail in a personal check, cashier’s check, or money order as payment. Please make your payment out to the Wellesley Students' Aid Society, write your PEL Account# on the payment, and mail it to WSAS:
Wellesley Students’ Aid Society
106 Central Street, Schneider Suite 117
Wellesley, MA 02481
If you have any questions regarding your WSAS Private Education Loan payment or account, please contact us at or 781.283.2992.