Bike Share
Stuck on campus? No need to worry about driving or waiting for the bus! The Bike Share program allows you to check out bikes for 24 hour intervals free for students. Wellesley Bike Share has made it possible for you to travel independently and sustainably. Our mission is to make Bike Share easy and accessible for all students on-campus and advocate the benefits of riding bicycles. Simply check out a bike at any automated check-out station, ride it around, and return it to the same station after 24 hours. There are two check-out stations on-campus, one located at Campus Police and the other inside Freeman.
How to Sign Up
Click on this link to Sign Up!
How to Use the Bikes
Click on this link to learn how to access and use the bikes.
Please notify us asap and bring the bike back to its original location and lock it up (if you can), and if you cannot lock the bike email sustainability@wellesley.edu. In the email, include the bike that you checked out, date you lost the keys, and B number.
Email us and we will check if your account is working. We may not have registered your name in the system yet, please wait until you have received a confirmation email with your user ID and pin number. Alternatively, this may also be due to an overdue bike, and if you have had 3 overdues, then your account will be permanently disconnected.
Please leave the bike at the station, return the key, and email us ASAP. Every week, we go around and check the bikes for issues. The sooner you tell us, the sooner we can fix it.
Before riding a bike, identify any marks or damages done to the bike. If there are identifiable damages, email us, especially if the bike is unusable.
This happens. Email us your B number, the bike you checked out, the location of the key, and location of the bike.
We update the system every week, but sometimes it can take a couple weeks depending on the number of registrations we receive.
If there are technical issues, email us sustainability@wellesley.edu. In the meantime, sit still and remain calm.
Sorry about that. If this occurs consistently, please email us sustainability@wellesley.edu and we will talk to our guys. Often this happens because users have not returned their bikes within the 24 hour period.
Even though our campus is generally a safe place where students are expected to abide by the honor code, there are often outsiders on campus. Unfortunately, if the bike was stolen it is your responsibility to pay for it. We track who last took out the bike, so please report it as missing to sustainability@wellesley.edu as soon as possible.
Under the agreement you sign for Bike Share, you are allowed to ride the bikes off campus. Please follow all safety rules and keep in mind that these bikes are not mountain bikes, and should not be used for long distances or Mount Washington.
Sorry, our policy is 24 hours to allow fair usage of the bike share to our hundreds of users. You can however, return the bike and re-check it out if needed.
Sorry, Bike Share is only for students with a B number.
Right outside Campus Police, there is a bike fixing station. It is a 2 meter high blue pole with pumps, gears, and tools for you to use.
It is closed for your safety. Since the bikes are leisure bikes, they are not equipped to be used in the snow. The bikes close from mid- December to mid- March. We will notify the student body when the specific dates are decided.
Thanks for asking! We recommend reading information on this site: http://massbike.org/blog/category/bicycle-safety/.
We have 2 bike stations. One is at the Davis parking garage, with the key check out at campus police, which is open 24/7. The other is by the entrance of Freeman dorm. The check-out station for Freeman is inside the building on the right immediately after the entrance.
It is strongly recommend you wear one for your safety. If you do not have your own helmet, the Office of Sustainability sells helmets for the subsidized price of $15! Email us at sustainability@wellesley.edu if interested.
A good place to put it is between the top bar and the seat post. It rests nicely there. Some of the bikes have a lock holder.
In 2012, the Office of Sustainability implemented a bike share program on campus. We initially ordered 15 brand new bikes with an internal gear system, a bike rack, and a repair station all funded by the Class of 1957 Green Fund. The Outing Club was awarded a Green Grant in 2011 for this proposal. 10 more bikes and another bike rack was added to east campus in 2013.