Our Programs
Sustainability Sale
Each spring as students move-out, the Office of Sustainability places bins in each residence hall for students to leave unwanted items for resale or donation. Items slated for donation are given to nonprofits to support local families. The office also retains items for resale to incoming Wellesley College students, at significantly discounted rates, during the beginning of the subsequent fall semester. This highly popular event supports the College’s first generation and low-income students to procure needed items for their dorm rooms at the start of the year. For more information, please view the FAQ's page.
Sustainable Living Certification
The Sustainable Living Certification Program is a way to inspire the Wellesley students to practice sustainable living habits and contribute to the college’s commitment to the environment, as sustainability is one of our college’s core values. Through gaining the different levels of certification, room residents will collect prizes and show off their achievements and their own commitment to the environment. Each student is certified individually and will be rewarded individually. However, for those living with roommates, we strongly encourage roommates to
apply for audits at the same time.
Overview of Prizes and Scope of Certification - Contains a sample form
Sustainable Living Certification Form
Green Department Certification
Wellesley's Green Department Certification program is designed to educate, support, and recognize departments that want to engage in more environmentally sustainable practices. By completing the certification checklist, your department can learn more about sustainable changes and become leaders on campus.
Basic requirements for applying include:
At least 75% of employees working in your office must agree to participate
Each participating employee must complete the individual office member checklist
Each department must select a Green Champion who will act as a liaison with our office and consolidate the individual checklists into the overall department certification checklists
Offices must meet with the Sustainability Office post-submittal to review their certification checklist and receive their certificate
Certification checklists may be started at anytime, though there are submission deadlines every semester to give Sustainability Interns time to review materials before the end of the semester.
Certifications are valid for three (3) years.
If any department is interested in signing up, please fill out this short form and the Office of Sustainability will follow up with more details about the certification process.