Research Team

Stephen Chen, Ph.D
Dr. Chen received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Rutgers University. He spent several years working in Asia before returning to the United States, where he received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Chen completed his clinical internship and postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital, and joined the Wellesley College faculty in 2014.
Lab Members
Emily Cheng '21
Major: Psychology
Xue Fang Deng '21
Major: Psychology
Hometown: NYC
Presentation: Deng, X.F., Zhang, Y.J., Liu, C., Wang, L., & Chen, S.H. (2019). Verbal Expressions of Affection in Chinese American Immigrant Parents: Associations with Parenting Style and Cultural Orientation . Poster presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore.
Mavis Zhang '21
Major: Psychology & Mathematics
Hometown: Beijing, China
Georgian Fan '21
Hometown: Central Valley, PA
Presentation: Fan, G., Wang, M., Gleason, T.R., Liu, C., Wang, L. & Chen, S.H. (2019). Ethnic Minority Immigrant Children’s Subjective Social Status in Middle Childhood. Poster presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore.
Lab Alumnae
Louisa Oppenheim '20
Major: Psychology & Music
Presentation: “The Socialization of Fantasy and Imagination in Chinese Immigrant Families”. Virtual poster presented at the MidAmerica Undergraduate Research Conference.
Jamie Zhang '20
Major: Psychology & Economics
Hometown: Shenzhen, China
Presentation: Deng, X.F., Zhang, Y.J., Liu, C., Wang, L., & Chen, S.H. (2019, March). Verbal Expressions of Affection in Chinese American Immigrant Parents: Associations with Parenting Style and Cultural Orientation . Poster presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore.
Christine Yang '19
Major: Psychology & Economics
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Presentation: Yang, X., Liang, Y., Wang, L., Liu, C., & Chen, S.H. (2017, May). Multigenerational Households and BMI in Chinese Immigrant Families: Findings from Two Transnational Contexts. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Convention, Association for Psychological Science, Boston.
Caiqin Zhou '19
Major: Psychology & Economics
Hometown: Beijing, China
Presentation: Zhou, C., Wong, P., Liu, C., Wang, L.K., & Chen, S.H. (2018, May) “Associations between Parent Self-Regulation, Child Self-Regulation and Child Behavior Problems”. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco.
Ruixi Zhang '19
Major: Psychology & English
Hometown: Beijing, China
Presentation: Zhang, R.., Zhou, C., Wong, P., Liu, C., Wang, L.K., & Chen, S.H. (2018, May). “Higher Self-Regulation Is Associated with Lower Status-Based Bias in Chinese Immigrant Children”. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco.
Hannah Schmidt '18 and Valerie Zhao '18
Sophomore Early Research Program
Publication: Deveney, C.M., Chen, S.H., Wilmer, J.B., Schmidt, H.*, Zhao, V*. (2018) Social class and emotion perception: A pre-registered replication. PloS one. (10), e0205949
Julia Liang '18
Major: Psychology & French
Presentation: "Satellite Babies: Transnational Parent-Child Separation Effects on Chinese American Immigant Families". Poster presented at the Wellesley College Social Science Summer Research Program (2016, July)
Michelle Z. Wang '18
Major: Psychology
Current: JD Candidate; U. Pennsylvania
Cordelia Zhong '17
Major: Psychology
Presentation: "Wellesley AWARE: From University to Liberal Arts College”. 2017 Ruhlman Research Conference.
Michelle M. Wang '17
Major: Psychology
Current: PhD student, Developmental Psychology, NYU
Honors Thesis: "Subjective Social Status in Minority Children: How it is Understood and How it Affects their Development"
Publication: Chen, S.H., Gleason, T.R., Wang, M., Liu, C.H., & Wang, L. (2019). Perceptions of social status in Chinese American children: Associations with social cognitions and socioemotional well-being. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 10 (4), 362-372.
Emily Jin '17
Major: Psychology & Comparative Literature
Current: PhD student, East Asian Languages & Literatures, Yale
Presentation: Jin, E., Wang, L., Liang, J., Liu, C.H., Chen, S.H. (2017, April). Acculturation and emotion language in Chinese immigrant parents’ discussion of family separations. Poster presented at the 2017 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development, Austin.
Jane Pak '16
Major: Psychology
Presentation: Introduction of the Asian American Undergraduate Consortium. 2015 Annual Convention, Asian American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.
Nina Wiester '16
Major: Psychology & East Asian Studies
Independent Study: "The Effect of Passing on Multiracial Individuals' Psychological Processes"
Tahani Chaudhry '16
Major: Psychology
Current: PhD student, Clinical Psychology, George Mason University
Honors Thesis: "The Stigma of Mental Illness in South Asian Cultures"
Publication: Chaudhry, T., & Chen, S. H. (2018). Mental illness stigmas in South Asian Americans: A cross-cultural investigation. Asian American Journal of Psychology.
Sheri Johnson, U.C. Berkeley
Alicia Lieberman, U.C. San Francisco
Cindy Liu, Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center
Alexandra Main, U.C. Merced
Leslie Wang, U.Mass - Boston
Qing Zhou, U.C. Berkeley
Asian American Psychological Association
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center