Culture, Family & Development Lab

Our lab examines how culture and family processes influence mental health and development across the lifespan.
*New Lab Instagram Page Launched!*
6/2024 "Parental expressions of love in Chinese American immigrant families: Implications for children’s attachment security” has been accepted for publication in Developmental Science. This paper was part of Aya Williams's doctoral dissertation. Congratulations, Aya!
5/2024 A paper from the Family Development Project, "Ethnic-racial socialization in Chinese American immigrant families: Associations with middle childhood ethnic identity" has been published in Social Development. Congratuations to our two former project coordinators, Sylvie Wong and Emily Zhang!
4/2024 Two current (Kexin Zhao and Abby Luo) and three former (Jenna Hua, Iris Li, and Hailing Ding) lab members reunited in Chicago to present their research at the Society for Research in Adolescence!