Recruitment Resources

The following directories and databases will help provide information on your search for potential candidates for faculty appointment.

Searchable Databases

The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)
Click on Parents & Students
Click on Doctoral Scholars
Click on Scholar Directory
The scholar directory is a database that showcases more than 1000 accomplished doctoral scholars and successful Ph.D. recipients who are committed to pursuing careers in the professoriate. It consists of scholars from these participating organizations and programs: the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), the National Institutes of Health (Bridges to the Professoriate NIGMS-MARC), the National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), the National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellows Program and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (SLOAN) .

The Consortium for Diversity

The Consortium was founded as an association of liberal arts colleges committed to strengthening the ethnic diversity of students and of faculty members at liberal arts colleges. The early goals of the Consortium with regard to faculty diversity included encouraging computU.S. citizens who are members of under-represented minority groups to complete their graduate programs and to consider faculty employment in liberal arts colleges.

Minority and Women Doctoral Directory (MWDD)
The scholar directory is a database that showcases more than 1000 accomplished doctoral scholars and successful Ph.D. recipients who are committed to pursuing careers in the professoriate. It consists of scholars from these participating organizations and programs: the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), the National Institutes of Health (Bridges to the Professoriate NIGMS-MARC), the National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), the National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellows Program and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (SLOAN).

Hard copy directory is received in Human Resources. Applicable candidate information is forwarded to the department.

Minority Postdoc is the premier web portal on the minority postdoctoral experience, especially in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines.  Minority Postdoc features articles, resources, and events about career advice, professional development, jobs, funding, fellowships, mentoring, and diversity issues.  Unless indicated otherwise, all website content is authored by the editor. is published by the new non-profit, DiverseScholar, a project of the fiscal sponsor Community Partners.  DiverseScholar offers a number of services to diversify the doctoral workforce.

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
The New England HERC supports the efforts of each of its member institutions to recruit and retain outstanding faculty, administrators and staff through sharing of information and resources. One particular interest of the New England HERC is finding effective ways to assist the spouses and partners of faculty and staff to secure employment.

HR will automatically post all faculty positions on the HERC website.

Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC)
The site provides information on conferences and graduate students in research. Also serves as a resource for contact information for minority candidates. The website provides 2001/2002 directories for minorities, women and underrepresented groups.

Faculty for the Future
Dedicated to linking a diverse pool of women and under-represented minority candidates from engineering, science, and business with faculty and research positions at universities across the country.
Login Username: WellesleyCollege
Password: Faculty 
Provides career and self-development information for minority candidates. It includes a database of available jobs and candidate resumes and offers information on workplace diversity.

The Registry (formerly National Minority Faculty Identification Program (NMFI))
The Registry is a tool designed to help connect minority faculty with institutions of higher education. The website has a posting site to post positions as well as the ability to search for candidates.  (Human Resources will post requested positions to this site for you.)
Login: Username: Wellesley
Password: wellesley3202

Posting Outreach Sources by Discipline

Africana Studies

American Studies

Anthropology and Archaeology

Art and Art History




Chinese and Chinese Studies

Cinema and Media Studies

Classical Studies and Civilizations (Greek and Latin)

Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

Comparative Literature

Computer Science

East Asian Languages and Cultures




Environmental Sciences

French and French Cultural Studies

Geography and Geology

German and German Studies


International Relations

Italian Studies

Japanese and Japanese Studies

Jewish Studies

Latin American Studies



Media Arts and Sciences

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Middle Eastern Studies




Peace and Justice Studies



Physical Education

Political Science


Quantitative Reasoning


Russian and Russian Area Studies



Theatre Studies

Women's Studies

Writing Program