The Committee on Faculty Appointments (CFA) is a standing committee of Academic Council.
The functions of the CFA include the following:
- Vote upon recommendations to be made by the President to the Board of Trustees regarding tenure appointments, promotions, and reappointments of tenure-track faculty.
- Vote upon recommendations to be made by the President to the Board of Trustees regarding reappointments and promotions of faculty on term appointments at the ranks of lecturer and senior lecturer.
- Vote upon recommendations to be made by the President to the Board of Trustees regarding reappointments and promotions of PERA assistant professors of the practice, PERA associate professors of the practice, and PERA professors of the practice.
- Vote upon recommendations to be made by the President to the Board of Trustees regarding reappointments and promotions of instructors in science laboratory.
- Prepare policy guidelines regarding appointments, promotions, and tenure of faculty.
- Approve applications for sabbatical and early leaves of tenured and tenure-eligible faculty as well as professional development leaves of eligible faculty on term appointments and instructors in science laboratory.
A complete description of the committee's functions, authority, operations, and membership can be found in the Articles of Government, Article V, Section 14.
Members of the Committee on Faculty Appointments (CFA) for 2024-25
President: Paula Johnson
Provost and Dean of the College: Courtney Coile, Chair
Dean of Faculty Affairs: Megan Núñez
Hélène Bilis 23-26 (A)
Provost and Dean of the College: Courtney Coile, Chair
Dean of Faculty Affairs: Megan Núñez
Hélène Bilis 23-26 (A)
Susan Ellison 24-27 (B)
Oscar Fernandez 22-25 (C)
Tom Hodge 23-26 (A)
Jennie Pyers 23-26 (B)
Andrea Sequeira 20-21, 23-25 (C)
Faculty Appointment Specialist: Caitlin Beatty
- Important due dates for 2024-25
- For review of tenure-track and tenured faculty:
- For faculty on term appointments:
- For PERA faculty:
- For instructors in science laboratory:
- Letter re: review process for non-tenure-track faculty (May 2019)
- Annual conversation verification form
- Annual conversation and class visit requirements by faculty type
- Legislation re: class visits for assistant professors
- Annual letters to tenure-track faculty
- Annual memo to pre-tenure faculty/R&Ps 24-25
- Annual memo to junior faculty/R&Ps 23-24
- Annual memo to junior faculty/R&Ps 22-23
- Annual memo to junior faculty/R&Ps 21-22
- Annual memo to junior faculty 19-20
- Annual memo to junior faculty 18-19
- Annual memo to junior faculty 17-18
- Annual memo to junior faculty 16-17
- Annual memo to junior faculty 15-16
- Annual memo to junior faculty 14-15
- Annual memo to junior faculty 13-14
- Annual memo to junior faculty 12-13
- Annual memo to junior faculty 11-12
- Annual memo to junior faculty 10-11
- Annual memo to junior faculty 09-10
- CFA letter re: promotion standards and criteria (October 2024)
- List of faculty under review this academic year (Spring 2025 edition)
- Information on writing letters about faculty members
- Sabbatical and early leave program: Occasionally Asked Questions (for tenured and tenure-eligible faculty)
- Professional development leave application for 2025-26 (for use by ISLs/Sr. ISLs and Lecturers/Sr. Lecturers)
- 2020-21 SEQ Policy (approved at October 14, 2020 Academic Council)
- Links to college legislation (regarding leaves, appointments and promotion)