Provost & Dean of the College

Andy, Megan, Michael

The Provost and Dean of the College is Wellesley's Chief Academic Officer.


The Office of the Provost oversees all the academic programs of the College as well as the College's libraries and technology services. Provost Courtney Coile, Dean of Academic Affairs Michael Jeffries, and Dean of Faculty Affairs Megan Núñez work together as a team, with each also having clearly delineated primary responsibilities.

Provost's and Deans' Roles

The provost has overall responsibility for all aspects of academic life at Wellesley. The responsibilities of the Office of the Provost are distributed among the provost and the deans.

A complete list of the committees and departments each oversees, as well as their direct reports, can be found here.


 Courtney C. Coile
 Provost and Lia Gelin Poorvu '56 Dean of the College and Professor of Economics

 Courtney C. Coile is Provost and Lia Poorvu '56 Dean of the College and Professor
 of Economics.  More >>




Michael P. Jeffries
Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of American Studies

Michael P. Jeffries is Dean of Academic Affairs and the Class of 1949 Professor in Ethics.  More >>

Megan Núñez
Dean of Faculty Affairs and Professor of Chemistry
Megan Núñez is Dean of Faculty Affairs and the Nan Walsh Schow ’54 and Howard Schow Professor in the Physical and Natural Sciences.   More >>