Inclusive Excellence In Action

Inclusive Excellence In Action

  • BISC Faculty Participation in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives within the College
    • HHMI change agents 

      • Melissa Beers

      • Louise Darling

      • Jocelyne Dolce

      • Kristina Jones

      • Vanja Klepac-Ceraj
      • Kaye Peterman

      • Julie Roden

      • Becca Selden

      • Andrea Sequeira

      • Yui Suzuki

  • Posse Faculty Mentor (The Posse Foundation identifies HS students with extratordinary academic and leadership potential) 

    • Jocelyne Dolce

  • Wintersession Research Week (where first-years learn the rigors of research)

  • First Year Student Research Apprenticeship Program

    • The purpose of this program is to enable first-year students who have little laboratory experience to become apprentices in Science Center faculty labs and build some basic skills and confidence in their ability to participate in research.

  • Sophomore Early Research Program (SERP)

    • Many of the Biological Sciences research faculty participate in this program that allows students to carry out collaborative research with a faculty member.

    • This program supports eligible students who belong to groups underrepresented in natural science and social science (including first-generation students, students from low-income backgrounds, and students from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the natural and social sciences).

Department initiatives

  • HHMI inclusive excellence interns (Howard Hughes Medical Institute to support Inclusive Excellence)

    • HHMI interns develop programs and practices that enhance inclusiveness

    • HHMI Student Interns mentored by the Belonging Committee

      • ​Hesper Khong

      • Patty Benitez-Lomi 

      • Trisha Lopez

    • Current Belonging Committee Members

      • Heather Mattila

      • Michelle Carmell

      • Adam Matthews

      • Sarah Schwartz

      • Ariana Serret

  • Welcoming new students with little or no high school preparation in quantitative reasoning and/or biology

    • We have recently created BISC110P to provide options for students to enter the Biology major without having taken QR140. This course has no prerequisites and can be taken by anyone regardless of high school preparation. The course offers extra support for students, including a weekly discussion session.

  • Work Study opportunities in the department

    • We provide funding for up to five work study students to work in faculty members research labs

  • Tutoring opportunities 

    • Biological Sciences offers students opportunities to assist fellow students taking biology courses through the Bio Cafe. Applications will be available in the spring.