Highlights from 2020 - 2021

Departmental highlights and News from Academic Year '20 - '21


Professor Jackie Matthes was elected to be an Early Career Fellow at the Ecological Society of America


She was "elected for contributions to the understanding of how feedbacks between climate change, land-use change, and ecosystem processes influence carbon cycling across a variety of systems, and her exceptional mentorship and teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level."



Early Career Fellows are members within eight years of completing their doctoral training (or other terminal degree) who have advanced ecological knowledge and applications and show promise of continuing to make outstanding contributions to a wide range of fields served by ESA.


Congratulations, Jackie!


Publications from Biological Sciences (student publications in bold; * denotes Wellesley students; Biological Sciences faculty underlined)


Ferro LE, Sugino KY, Klepac-Ceraj V, Comstock SS. 2021. The Abundance of Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO)-Metabolizing Genes in Fecal Samples from Six-Month-Old Human Infants. Microorganisms. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9071352.


Gibbs E*, Hsu J*, Barth K*, Goss JW. 2021. Characterization of the nanomechanical properties of the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cell surface by atomic force microscopy. Yeast 38(8):480-492. doi: 10.1002/yea.3564.


Deep-sea microbes as tools to refine the rules of innate immune pattern recognition.

Gauthier AE, Chandler CE, Poli V, Gardner FM, Tekiau A, Smith R, Bonham KS, Cordes EE, Shank TM, Zanoni I, Goodlett DR, Biller SJ, Ernst RK, Rotjan RD, Kagan JC.

Sci Immunol. 2021 Mar 12;6(57):eabe0531. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abe0531.


Beers MA, Hall ML, Matthews AGW, Elmore DE, Oakes ESC, Goss JW, Radhakrishnan ML. 2021. A fully integrated undergraduate introductory biology and chemistry course with a community-based focus I: Vision, design, implementation, and development.

Biochem Mol Biol Educ. doi: 10.1002/bmb.21565. 


Pociask S, Weerapana A, Taylor P, Radhakrishnan ML, Oakes ESC, Matthews AGW, Elmore DE. 2021. A fully integrated undergraduate introductory biology and chemistry course with a community-based focus II: Assessment of course effectiveness.

Biochem Mol Biol Educ. doi: 10.1002/bmb.21555. 


Boessenecker RW, Churchill M, Buchholtz EA, Beatty BL, Geisler JH. 2020. Convergent Evolution of Swimming Adaptations in Modern Whales Revealed by a Large Macrophagous Dolphin from the Oligocene of South Carolina. Curr Biol. 30(16):3267-3273.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.012. 


Mackay-Smith A*, Dornon MK*, Lucier R*, Okimoto A*, Mendonca de Sousa F, Rodriguero M, Confalonieri V, Lanteri AA, Sequeira AS. 2021. Host-specific gene expression as a tool for introduction success in Naupactus parthenogenetic weevils. PLoS One.16(7):e0248202. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248202.


Königer M, Knapp A*, Futami L*, Kohler S*. 2021. Using Changes in Leaf Transmission to Investigate Chloroplast Movement in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Vis Exp. 2021 Jul 14;(173). doi: 10.3791/62881.


Peterson D*, Bonham KS, Rowland S*, Pattanayak CW; RESONANCE Consortium, Klepac-Ceraj V. 2021. Comparative Analysis of 16S rRNA Gene and Metagenome Sequencing in Pediatric Gut Microbiomes.

Front Microbiol. 12:670336. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.670336.


Fredston A, Pinsky M, Selden RL, Szuwalski C, Thorson JT, Gaines SD, Halpern BS. 2021. Range edges of North American marine species are tracking temperature over decades.

Glob Chang Biol. 27(13):3145-3156. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15614. 


McNichol J, Berube PM, Biller SJ, Fuhrman JA. 2021. Evaluating and Improving Small Subunit rRNA PCR Primer Coverage for Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes Using Metagenomes from Global Ocean Surveys. mSystems. 6(3):e0056521. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00565-21.


Vadeboncoeur Y, Moore MV, Stewart SD, Chandra S, Atkins KS, Baron JS, Bouma-Gregson K, Brothers S, Francoeur SN, Genzoli L, Higgins SN, Hilt S, Katona LR, Kelly D, Oleksy IA, Ozersky T, Power ME, Roberts D, Smits AP, Timoshkin O, Tromboni F, Zanden MJV, Volkova EA, Waters S, Wood SA, Yamamuro M. 2021. Blue Waters, Green Bottoms: Benthic Filamentous Algal Blooms Are an Emerging Threat to Clear Lakes Worldwide. Bioscience. 71(10):1011-1027. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biab049


Jevon F, Lang A, Ayres M, Matthes JH. 2021. Limited evidence that larger acorns buffer Quercus rubra seedlings from density-dependent biotic stressors. Am J Bot. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1740.


Smith-Tripp, S.*, A. Griffith, V. Pasquarella, J. H. Matthes. 2021. Impacts of a regional multi-year insect defoliation event on seasonal runoff ratios and instantaneous streamflow characteristics. Ecohydrology e2332, doi:10.1002/eco.2332.


Delwiche, K.B., … J.H. Matthes & 112 additional co-authors …, R. B. Jackson. 2021. FLUXNET-CH4: A global, multi-ecosystem database and analysis of methane seasonality from freshwater wetlands. Earth System Science Data 13(7): 3607–3689, doi:10.5194/essd-13-3607-2021.


Tso L*, Bonham KS, Fishbein A*, Rowland S*, Klepac-Ceraj V. 2021. Targeted High-Resolution Taxonomic Identification of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Using Human Milk Oligosaccharide Metabolizing Genes. Nutrients. 13(8):2833. doi: 10.3390/nu13082833.


Lewis CR, Bonham KS, McCann SH, Volpe AR, D'Sa V, Naymik M, De Both MD, Huentelman MJ, Lemery-Chalfant K, Highlander SK, Deoni SCL, Klepac-Ceraj V. 2021. Family SES Is Associated with the Gut Microbiome in Infants and Children. Microorganisms. 9(8):1608. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9081608.


Coe A, Biller SJ, Thomas E, Boulias K, Bliem C, Arellano A, Dooley K, Rasmussen AN, LeGault K, O'Keefe TJ, Stover S, Greer EL, Chisholm SW. 2021. Coping with darkness: The adaptive response of marine picocyanobacteria to repeated light energy deprivation. Limnol Oceanogr. 66(9):3300-3312. doi: 10.1002/lno.11880. 


HR Mattila, S Shimano, GW Otis, LTP Nguyen, ER Maul*, J Billen. 2021. Linking the Morphology of Sternal Glands to Rubbing Behavior by Vespa soror (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Workers During Recruitment for Group Predation

Annals of the Entomological Society of America https://doi.org/10.1093/aesa/saab048


Suzuki Y, Toh L*. 2021. Constraints and Opportunities for the Evolution of Metamorphic Organisms in a Changing Climate. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:734031. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.734031


Ffrench J*, Tracewell J*, Suzuki Y. 2021. Conventional and Organic Wheat Germ Have Distinct Physiological Effects in the Tobacco Hornworm, Manduca Sexta: Use of Black Mutant Assay to Detect Environmental Juvenoid Activity of Insect Growth Regulators. 1:744847. Frontiers in Insect Science. doi.org/10.3389/finsc.2021.744847 


Biller SJ, Lundeen RA, Hmelo LR, Becker KW, Arellano AA, Dooley K, Heal KR, Carlson LT, Van Mooy BAS, Ingalls AE, Chisholm SW. 2021. Prochlorococcus extracellular vesicles: molecular composition and adsorption to diverse microbes. Environ Microbiol. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15834. 


Mattila HR, Kernen HG*, Otis GW, Nguyen LTP, Pham HD, Knight OM, Phan NT. 2021. Giant hornet (Vespa soror) attacks trigger frenetic antipredator signalling in honeybee (Apis cerana) colonies. R Soc Open Sci. 8(11):211215. doi: 10.1098/rsos.211215. 


Bonham KS, Kayisire AA*, Luo AA*, and Klepac-Ceraj V. 2021. Microbiome.jl and BiobakeryUtils.jl - Julia packages for working with microbial community data. 6(67), 3876. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03876


Welti EAR, Joern A, Ellison AM, Lightfoot DC, Record S, Rodenhouse N, Stanley EH, Kaspari M. 2021. Studies of insect temporal trends must account for the complex sampling histories inherent to many long-term monitoring effortsNat Ecol Evol. 5(5):589-591. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01424-0. 


Rojas CA*, De Santiago Torio A, Park S*, Bosak T, Klepac-Ceraj V.

Organic Electron Donors and Terminal Electron Acceptors Structure Anaerobic Microbial Communities and Interactions in a Permanently Stratified Sulfidic Lake.

Front Microbiol. 2021 Apr 23;12:620424. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.620424. eCollection 2021.


Greer HM, Overton K, Ferguson MA, Spain EM, Darling LEO, Núñez ME, Volle CB. 2021. Extracellular Polymeric Substance Protects Some Cells in an Escherichia coli Biofilm from the Biomechanical Consequences of Treatment with Magainin 2. Microorganisms. 9(5):976. Doi:10.3390/microorganisms9050976.


Gibbs E*, Hsu J*, Barth K*, Goss JW. 2021. Characterization of the nanomechanical properties of the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cell surface by atomic force microscopy. Yeast doi: 10.1002/yea.3564.


Welti EAR, Joern A, Ellison AM, Lightfoot DC, Record S, Rodenhouse N, Stanley EH, Kaspari M. Studies of insect temporal trends must account for the complex sampling histories inherent to many long-term monitoring efforts. Nat Ecol Evol. 2021 Apr 5. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01424-0.


Fredston A, Pinsky M, Selden RL, Szuwalski C, Thorson JT, Gaines SD, Halpern BS. 2021. Range edges of North American marine species are tracking temperature over decades. Glob Chang Biol. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15614.


Gauthier AE, Chandler CE, Poli V, Gardner FM, Tekiau A, Smith R, Bonham KS, Cordes EE, Shank TM, Zanoni I, Goodlett DR, Biller SJ, Ernst RK, Rotjan RD, Kagan JC. 2021. Deep-sea microbes as tools to refine the rules of innate immune pattern recognition. Sci Immunol. 2021 Mar 12;6(57):eabe0531. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abe0531.


Lang AK, Jevon FV, Vietorisz CR, Ayres MP, Hatala Matthes J. 2021. Fine roots and mycorrhizal fungi accelerate leaf litter decomposition in a northern hardwood forest regardless of dominant tree mycorrhizal associations. New Phytol. 230(1):316-326. doi: 10.1111/nph.17155. 


Popescu MC*, Lee YJ*, Kim SS*, Wade HM*, Papakyrikos AM*, Darling LEO. 2021. The phosphorylation state of both hERG and KvLQT1 mediates protein-protein interactions between these complementary cardiac potassium channel alpha subunits. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 1863(4):183556. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2021.183556.  


Jeng ML, Suzuki Y, Chang CY, Chen TR. 2021. Do holometabolous insects molt spontaneously after adulthood? An exceptional case report in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), with discussion of its inferred endocrine regulation especially in relation to neoteny. Arthropod Struct 61:101013. doi: 10.1016/j.asd.2020.101013. 


Darling LEO, JW Goss, and JA Roden. 2021. Breaking bricks: A hands-on model of enzyme kinetics and inhibition. CourseSource. https://doi.org/10.24918/cs.2021.16


McNichol J, Berube PM, Biller SJ, Fuhrman JA. 2021. Evaluating and Improving Small Subunit rRNA PCR Primer Coverage for Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes Using Metagenomes from Global Ocean Surveys. mSystems 6:e00565-21. https://doi.org/10 .1128/mSystems.00565-21.