FAQs for Third Party Users

FAQs for Workday Third Party Users

Where do I access my Wellesley College student’s account information?


Any Wellesley College student will be able to grant access to Third Party Users to see their account information in Workday. When a student authorizes the Third Party User, they will receive three separate emails explaining how to set up their accounts, which can be used to access student account information.

How do I get access to view my Wellesley College student’s information in Workday?


Only a Wellesley student can grant access to Third Party Users. They will be provided instructions on how to do this. No one other than the students themselves can grant access to an authorized third party, including staff members at the College. As explained above, once a student grants access, the Third Party Users will receive the instructions that they will be required to follow to gain access.

How do I pay my Wellesley College student’s bills?


Log in to Workday through your Third Party User account and click on a link to pay. Instructions for this are available here.

I followed all the steps and I still can't access my student's account. What should I do?


Send an email workday@wellesley.edu or call Wellesley College Workday Support at (781) 283-4444. If sending an email, please be sure to include the student's name and Wellesley ID.

I need help! Whom should I contact?


For help accessing or navigating Workday, email workday@wellesley.edu or call Wellesley College Workday Support at (781) 283-4444. For help with billing or financial aid matters, please contact Student Financial Services at sfs@wellesley.edu or (781) 283-2360.