Visit the Asian Students Advising webpage for more.
Internships related to Asian/Asian American interests:
- Nikkei in West Coast (various locations) https://kizunala.wufoo.com/
forms/m7p9r1/ - APAICS http://apaics.org/summer-interns/
- CAPAL http://www.capal.org/
programs/federal-internship- program/ - TACL http://tacl.org/programs/tacl-
political-internship/ - OCA http://www.ocanational.org/?page=Program_SpringIntern
Visit Harambee House webpage for more.
First-Year Guide
Every year, a first-year guide is created to serve as a comprehensive list of important information pertaining to Harambee, its organizations, and students, faculty and staff of African descent.
Social Networking
Want another way to stay up-to-date on the Harambee House events, updates, and happenings? Check out our social media accounts!
As a Facebook-friend of Harambee, you'll be the first to receive announcements, news, and event happenings straight from Harambee. Through our updates, inspirational quotes, and photos, you will never miss all the exciting and fun happenings at Harambee!
Friend Us on Facebook
Check out our Twitter page for updates on events and from members of our community!
Follow Us on Twitter
Visit Latinx Student Advising webpage for more.
Latinx New Student Guide
Every year, a new student guide is created to serve as a comprehensive list of important information pertaining to our Latinx students, their affiliated organizations, and students, faculty and Latinx staff. Click here to download the guide!
Social Networking
Want another way to stay up-to-date on Latinx events, updates, and happenings? Check out our social media accounts!
As a Facebook-friend of the Latinx Advisors Office, you'll receive announcements, news, and event updates straight from the Advisor to Latinx Students.
Check out our Instagram page for updates on events and insights from members of the Latina community - @mared_alicea_westort
Here is a list of compiled resources for Native students at Wellesley College.
Thanks to the generosity of the Wellesley Students' Aid Society (WSAS), the Office of Intercultural Education is pleased to fund professional development opportunities for students not otherwise financed by the College, affiliated with Harambee House, Acorns, the Penthouse, and the Slater International Center. These professional development opportunities could include but are not limited to attendance at conferences, leadership retreats, and certifications, among others. If you need funding for graduate school fees or preparation programs, please contact Career Education. Interested students should first contact their cultural advisor to discuss the request. Awards (up to $200) will be given on a rolling basis. Currently, enrolled students can only apply once. If you need funds for graduate school support, please get in touch with Career Education. Interested students should first contact their cultural advisor to discuss the request. After speaking with your cultural advisor, you may submit you application HERE.
If you need funding for graduate school fees or preparation programs, please contact Career Education. They offer mini-grants for this purpose - details can be found here.