Our Team


Our Team


Name Title E-Mail Phone Number
Kenneth Walsh Director of Public Safety & Chief of Police kw109@wellesley.edu (781) 283-2125
Ibrahim Dumbuya Lieutenant id105@wellesley.edu (781) 283-3930
Tony Cai C-Cure Admin and Onecard Manger tc105@wellesley.edu (781)283-3932
Mia Nardini Emergency Manager 860-992-5159
Tim Brown Sergeant tbrown@wellesley.edu (781) 283-3931
Israel Rivera Sergeant ir103@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1868
Karen Berube Police Officer kberube@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1868
Brendan Cairney Police Officer bcairney@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1868
Josh Wingate Police Officer jw108@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1869
Alex Francis Police Officer af117@wellesley.edu

(781) 283-1869

Harold Follins Police Officer hf103@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1869
Sherry Gibson Police Officer sg127@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1869
Duche Romeus Police Officer dr108@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1869
Erik Tebeau Police Officer et111@wellesley.edu (781) 283-1869
JoAnn Guimond Dispatcher jwhite2@wellesley.edu (781) 283-2121
Michael Rock Dispatcher mr129@wellesley.edu (781) 283-2121
Jacqueline Martinez
Dispatcher (781) 283-2121
Timothy Shea Dispatcher ts108@wellesley.edu (781) 283-2121
Krusas Ross Dispatcher rk108@wellesley.edu (781) 283-2121
Christopher Baush Community Service Officer cb127@wellesley.edu (781) 283-3206