Paulson Faculty Course Grant

Paulson Initiative Course Grant program 2024-25

Paulson Initiative Course Grant

Call for Proposals AY 2024-25
The Paulson Initiative invites faculty and instructional staff across all disciplines to apply for funding to support teaching and learning innovations that engage the Wellesley College landscape.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please contact with any ideas or questions you would like to discuss.
Faculty and instructional staff may propose the revision or modification of an existing course (e.g. adding new course modules or assignments, or new approaches to current assignments) or development of a new course. We are particularly interested in proposals that connect to Wellesley’s strategic priorities of inclusive excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and experiential learning. Joint and cross-disciplinary/departmental applications are welcome, with considerations for larger budgets to support these collaborations.
Past recipients include faculty and instructional staff from Anthropology, Studio Art, Art History, Chemistry, Classical Studies, English, Philosophy, Psychology, Biology, Engineering, Peace and Justice Studies, Cinema and Media Studies, Environmental Studies, Geosciences, and Writing, including some cross-departmental courses. Some examples of past course modifications are at the end of the call for proposals.
Program Goals
  • Advance pedagogical innovations that integrate landscape and sense of place broadly into courses both across disciplines at the college and across collaborative interdisciplinary courses.
  • Provide students the opportunity to engage more intentionally with the Wellesley campus landscape and to learn concepts and skills in an experiential and tangible form.
  • Build interdisciplinary cross-departmental conversations and community, sharing opportunities, approaches, and lessons learned.
  • Advance the strategic priorities of Wellesley College
Faculty Grant Recipients Requirements
  • Administer a short student assessment provided by the Paulson Initiative and modified according to the individual courses in consultation with the faculty grant recipients. 
  • Write a short reflection (~100-200 words) on how the revision to your course may have influenced your pedagogical approaches to teaching/learning and/or sense of belonging at Wellesley, if at all.
  • Provide electronic copies of your landscape-based activities, modules, or assignments, and their syllabus. 
  • Provide other forms of assessment related to the grant (e.g. student reflections, photos in the landscape, course assessments, assignment excerpts).
  • Share course revisions and outcomes with the Wellesley community.
The Paulson Initiative will provide selected proposals up to $1200 in supplemental course funds to support course revision and implementation (for example student assistants, equipment, supplies, or other expenses directly related to development and implementation of the course). Faculty will receive a small stipend to support course revision. If you have received a grant for your course in the past, you can apply for this Paulson Initiative Course Continuation Grant for supplemental course funds (e.g. course assistant, supplies, etc). 
If you are interested in applying for this grant program, please submit your application through this form.
Your application should include the following:
  • Provide the number and name of the course you are proposing for this grant.
  • Provide the pedagogical/learning goals of the course.
  • Briefly describe the activities, assignments or other pedagogical innovations that integrate the landscape and sense of place.
  • Briefly describe the assessment plan to determine the impact of the course or course revisions on student learning, and other relevant outcomes (e.g. relationship with the campus/sense of belonging, inclusive excellence, etc).
  • Provide a specific budget for expenses (can include for example student assistant hours, equipment, materials, or other expenses directly related to development and implementation of this course). Up to $1200 will be considered, depending on the proposed course development/revisions. Proposals that integrate student assistants are highly encouraged, as well as equipment that could be used, shared, or scaled to impact students beyond this one course.
The Paulson Initiative can support your course by offering assistance with ideas for landscape/nature activities, providing guest activities, brainstorming approaches to using the landscape in your course discipline(s), providing campus landscape data or information (we have wildlife camera videos, salamander and vernal pool surveys, and other data from campus!), or connecting to campus projects.  If your course revision involves changing or manipulating the Wellesley landscape, you must discuss with Grounds and Botanic Gardens before the grant is approved. The Paulson Initiative can facilitate this conversation with the campus land managers.
Please email Suzanne Langridge ( with any questions or to discuss ideas.
Example Paulson Initiative funded courses from on-campus grants in previous years:
PEAC 358-MES 358: Peace and Justice Studies Professor Nadya Hajj's course, Palestinian Israeli Peace Prospects, students created space on Wellesley's landscape to remind them of their interconnectedness with all human and more-than-human beings, rediscover playfulness and creativity, and provide space for accessible conversations around the Palestinian Israeli conflict. Students learned about theories of shinrin yoku (forest bathing) and conflict transformation and engaged in a guided forest bathing experience led by Professor Hajj. Students then used different tools and strategies for peacemaking on the landscape to guide listening and conversations with the community around conflict and peace.
BISC 307: Jackie Hatala Matthes, faculty in Biology and Environmental Studies, taught Ecosystem Ecology in the Fall of 2018, using the Wellesley landscape to provide opportunities for expanding student-led inquiry into topics such as nutrient cycling, water balance, and animal habitat use. Students went on “field trips” to Paintshop Pond wetlands and Lake Waban for hands-on investigations of these ecosystems. Dr. Matthes also used the landscape to connect the scientific inquiry to the services provided to people by this on-campus wetland. 
ARTS 260: In his course Moving Image Studio, David Olsen, faculty in Studio Art, asked students to experiment with projection in the landscape, which forces students to employ experimental tactics to engage with the environment and deal with obstacles not present in traditional ways new media is typically presented. The environment has many different obstacles that interior spaces do not, and these issues become the focus of the project. His assignments provided an opportunity for students to learn how the environment will inform their work just as much as the work will inform the environment.
PSYC 346: In Psychology Professor Stephen Chen's spring course, Culture and Emotion, students investigated how engagement with the natural environment can shape emotional processes. In a module developed in collaboration with MJ Zelk '22, students engaged in sensory awareness, journaling prompts, and photography in Global Flora greenhouses and the changing spring landscape to document their emotional responses and regulation. In class discussions and written pieces, students reflected on their responses, identifying cultural norms, values, and beliefs that foster or hinder intentional engagement with nature.
PHIL 234: Erich Matthes, Professor of Philosophy, used the Wellesley landscape to explore a range of ethical and aesthetic questions about places, whether of natural or cultural significance, in his Spring 2019 course From Wilderness to Ruins. Students used restored landscapes on campus like Paintshop Pond and Alumnae Valley as test cases for assessing environmental restoration projects. They also explored the concept of “critical placemaking,” or disrupting dominant systems of inequality and injustice through interventions that create inclusive and participatory public places. In class discussions, students identified and proposed interventions to specific places on campus for actions of critical placemaking. Focusing on the case of Wellesley’s Botanic Gardens, the class also assessed the theory of scientific cognitivism, which asserts that appreciation of the environment requires scientific knowledge of it. Student feedback demonstrated how these key activities in the Wellesley landscape contributed positively to their learning and understanding of course content.

Past Paulson Course Grant Recipients 


Jay Turner: US Environmental History; ES/HIST 299

Jay led students on a campus tour and brought them to the College Archives to explore primary sources, helping students develop skills in reading the college landscape through the lens of environmental history. Students synthesized their experiences in an essay, returning back to the archives and a particular place on campus to inform their analysis. The course gave students the tools for reading environmental history at Wellesley and beyond.

Katherine Ruffin: Introduction to Book Studies; ARTS 112

Students processed and formed fiber from Common Reed (Phragmites australis), an invasive plant they harvested from meadows on campus. This exercise developed student awareness of plants on campus and the environmental impacts of papermaking, while focusing on process, project management, and hand-eye coordination. In tandem with Ruffin’s  course, around 25 members of the College community attended a paper-making workshop.

David Olsen: Moving Image Studio; ARTS 260

ARTS 260 prompted students to experiment with projection on the landscape. Students were provided opportunities to learn experimental tactics to engage with the campus landscape and address obstacles found outdoors that are not usually present in more typical, common ways that new media is generally presented. Students found that obstacles present in the outdoor landscape sometimes become the focus of the project—the environment informed their work just as much as the work informed the environment.

Amy Banzaert: Making a Difference Through Engineering; ENGR 120

Students applied key engineering design skills to making several products for more efficient and sustainable sumac (Rhus typhina) processing. Sumac grows on campus and produces fruits, which through a time-consuming process can be processed into spice and tea. Student projects produced tools for processing large quantities of spice quickly, and engineered a procedure for making exfoliating soap with the seed waste byproduct. This assignment forced students to use engineering solutions to address technical challenges facing communities.

Dan Chiasson: The World of Emily Dickenson; ENG 357

Wellesley’s campus landscape is perfectly situated to study Dickinson's nature, from robins to beeches to the “slant” of winter light as it enters a room, and to think about her as a poet of the natural landscape. Students used this lens to analyze and study Dickinson’s work and life.This course incorporated several field visits—including to Amherst and the Dickinson homestead and the shores of Lake Waban and surrounding fields.

Alden Griffith: Introduction to Environmental Science and Systems; ES 100

Students used the Wellesley Landscape as a living laboratory, investigating ecosystems and environmental processes on campus. They analyzed the concentration of metal pollutants in Lake Waban’s plankton, collected soil samples across campus to measure soil calcium, pH, and cation exchange, and sampled the size and frequency of tree species in plots on Water Tower Hill.

Jackie Matthes: Ecosystem Ecology BISC/ES; 307

This course used the Wellesley landscape to foster student-led inquiry into topics such as nutrient cycling, water balance, and animal habitat use. Students took “field trips” to Paintshop Pond wetlands and Lake Waban for hands-on investigations of these ecosystems. Matthes also used the landscape to connect the course’s scientific inquiries to the services provided to people by Wellesley’s on-campus wetlands.

Elizabeth Minor: Living in Material Worlds; ANTH 227

Students used the results from Minor’s summer 2018 Tower Court excavation project to explore how people use material culture (objects, architecture) to build relationships with their environments and each other. Students took historical and contemporary objects related to Wellesley and juxtaposed them in an exhibit, with the goal of curating narratives about student community and identities. The exhibits incorporated images and plans of the Wellesley landscape in 1914 before the College Hall fire and as it is today.

Bryan Burns: Introduction to Archaeology; ANTH 103

ANTH 103 engaged students with the history of land use at Wellesley with a 5-class unit on landscape archaeology. The course included field-walking exercise through Alumnae Valley, a drone exhibition on Severance Green to learn how aerial imagery is used to model landscapes, and a presentation by Elizabeth Minor on Severance Green Excavation project. Students performed a surface survey of three sites at Wellesley, collecting ans recording pre-distributed biodegradable tokens that simulated the variety of ceramics from different eras of campus activity.


Erich Matthes: From Wilderness to Ruins; PHIL/ES 234

Students used the Wellesley landscape to explore a range of ehtical and aesthetic questions about places, whether of natural or cultural significance. Restored landscapes on campus like Paintshop Pond and Alumae Valley served as test cases for philosophical assessment of environmental restoration projects. Students explored concepts like critical placemaking and the theort of scientific cognitivism by studying and writing about specific places on campus.



Andy Mowbray: Three Dimensional Design; ARTS 113

Students built and installed birdhouses on camnpus usingwood repurposed from shipping pallets. Studetnsgained practical hand tools skills while gaiing a sense of place as they explored and shaped the campus landscape, developing a conceptual framework of nature and birds as designers.

Justin Armstrong: Magic of Everyday Life; WRIT 150

Students reflected on the cultural influence of place during several outings into the Wellesley Landscape. On a walk along Lake Waban's edge, students absorbed the magic of everyday life that rests quietly in place. They wrote reflection essays, compiled booklet titled On Noticing: Reflections on Landscape at Wellesley College from WRIT 160 - Spring 2018.


Katherine Ruffin: Introductory Print Methods; ARTS 222

This course incorporated the landscape through the ancient art of making paper from plants. Dr. Ruffin collected Common Reed (Phragmites australis), an invasive plant found in the campus meadows, in partnership with the Grounds crew and other College community members. Students successfully made paper out of Common Reed, exploring questions around resource use, sustainability, and linking art and landscape.


Andy Mowbray: Spatial Investigations; ARTS 216

Students designed and built a seating and gathering area in the landscape using wood from hickory trees that had fallen on campus. Facilities Management provided the class with the wood, and students scounted suitable locations on campus for the installation and research design possibilities. The course not only brought the concept of sustainability and reuse into design, but also challenged students to understand and interpret the campus landscape and built environment.