Paulson Faculty Programs

Faculty Opportunities

Paulson Initiative Course Grant

The Paulson Initiative invites faculty and instructional staff across all disciplines to apply for funding to support teaching and learning innovations that engage the Wellesley College landscape as a living “laboratory” or classroom or studio. Faculty and instructional staff may propose the revision or modification of an existing course (e.g. adding new course modules or assignments, or new approaches to current assignments) or development of a new course. We are particularly interested in proposals that connect to Wellesley’s strategic priorities of inclusive excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and experiential learning.  We also welcome proposals that address climate impacts and resilience, colonization/decolonization of the landscape, or sense of belonging on Wellesley’s campus landscape. Joint and cross-disciplinary/departmental applications are welcome.

Past recipients include faculty and instructional staff from Anthropology, Art, Classical Studies, English, Philosophy, Biology, Engineering, Peace and Justice Studies, Environmental Studies, Geosciences, and Writing. We welcome innovative ideas across disciplines that engage students in their 4-year home landscape and provide opportunities for experiential learning. 

To learn more about the current call for faculty course grant proposals for 2024-25, click here.

Paulson Ecology of Place Initiative and Frost Center the Environment Faculty Seed Grant


The Paulson Ecology of Place Initiative and the Frost Center for the Environment invite proposals by
individuals or groups of faculty to support faculty research, scholarship, and creative inquiry
that engage with landscape, nature, environment, and/or sense of place, defined broadly.
Projects may be entirely new endeavors or may be distinctive initiatives that supplement ongoing
activities. The granting period is through December 15, 2025. Applications are due Monday,
September 9. Details on the goals and aims of the programs and application form here.