Multimedia Editing Suite

Two screens and one microphone boom arm for audio recording.

Multimedia Editing Suite (Clapp Room 122)

You HAVE to email and get OneCard access before being able to access the room; creating a reservation will not automatically grant you access to the room!

Policy and Etiquette

  • The Google Calendar for each room is broken down into hour-long sessions. You can reserve the room for a maximum of three consecutive one-hour sessions.
  • Please cancel appointments you are not able to use so others can reserve those times.
  • If you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, you will lose the current one-hour slot and it will become available on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Cancel a reservation by deleting or declining the event from your Google calendar. The appointment will then become visible for other patrons and will once again be available to book.

Please note that you can only access the Clapp 122 Suite while the Clapp Library building is open, regardless of reservation status. Always double-check that the building will be open during the slot(s) you reserve, especially around academic breaks and special events.

Temporarily Out of Order

The microphone in Clapp 122 is temporarily out of order! The room is still available for use with a circulating Knapp mic while we order replacement parts.