Software Installers & Documentation
NEW: Tips if you have trouble getting to an installer
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Captivate (requests to install on college-owned computers: send to LTSsoftware at wellesley dot edu) Adobe Flash Player (get the latest from Adobe's web site) Adobe Reader (get the latest from Adobe's web site) Apporto ATLAS.ti AutoCAD Cisco Any Connect Client (VPN)
ChemDraw CrashPlan (was Code42) - request via the Help Desk EndNote ESET (anti-virus for College-owned computers) Fetch (new instructions) or Fetch (old instructions) Final Draft Foreign Language Keyboards iLife: iDVD, iMovie, and iTunes JMP 
KeyAccess Kurzweil (contact Jim Wice in Accessibility and Disability Resources) Logger Pro  Mathematica (11.3, and 12 for macOS Catalina) 
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Latest version free for most fac/staff & students:
Office 365 for personally-owned computers
- Office 2019 (installed on college-owned Macs by LTS)
This license key icon indicates software that is only accessible (including installation) while on campus or connected to the VPN using Cisco AnyConnect.