Q: How do I provide support for a student's application?
A: Please complete the Faculty Evaluation Form by Friday, February 14, 2025. The form consists of multiple choice and open response sections addressing award criteria.The award panel is especially interested in your comments about the originality and depth of this work and the student's ability to select, evaluate, and synthesize sources appropriate to the paper/project.
Award criteria
Extensive and creative use of diverse library resources and collections in any format, appropriate to the length of the paper/project
Exceptional ability to select, evaluate, and synthesize library resources into the creation of the paper/project
Correct citation of any footnotes, endnotes, internal documentation, and/or bibliography according to an accepted form of documentation (APA, MLA, etc.)
Q: If I have multiple students from the same class who are entering their work, how do I proceed?
A: Please fill out a Faculty Evaluation Form for each student (or each group of student collaborators) who is submitting their work for consideration. It is helpful to the evaluation committee if you can indicate which submission(s) you consider the strongest candidate(s) according to the awards criteria.
Q. What if I have other questions about this process or another aspect of the Awards?
A: If your question is not answered on the Student Library Research Awards website, please email or call Karen Storz, Awards Coordinator, kstorz@wellesley.edu, x3372.