Registration During Orientation

Registration During Orientation

During our Orientation Week, new first-year students will register for their remaining courses online.  Students with religious obligations that prevent them from registering electronically on Friday will be able to register with the help of the Class Deans' office and Registrar's office.  Your Orientation Mentor will help you arrange for this. New transfer students and Davis Scholars should contact the Class Deans' office over the summer about registration. 

Over the summer and during Orientation, you will have many opportunities to learn about how to put together a good schedule of courses for your first year, how to pursue your existing interests and explore and develop new ones, and what to do in order to be properly prepared and placed in the courses you will be taking in the fall. If you review the information posted online here, you will be well prepared for taking advantage of our advising programs during Orientation and for making great choices about the fall semester.


The online registration process

Registration during Orientation (and for the rest of your time at Wellesley) happens online, through Workday. You will use this system to do some of your work with us this summer, including entering your Emergency Contact Information, and navigating the Entering Student Checklist. Again, students with religious obligations that prevent them from registering electronically on Saturday will be able to register with the help of the Class Deans' office and Registrar's office. Your Orientation Mentor will help you arrange for this.

The system requires that you enter your Wellesley user name, and your password, which you will receive in an email in early May, and which you will also use to enter MyWellesley and see your Wellesley email. So you will be ready to use this system when the time comes. Details of the registration process will be provided by the Registrar's Office in mid-August.


Become familiar with academic programs

In the summer, a good strategy is to start to become familiar with our academic programs in a very general way. Take some time to browse through the home pages of our academic departments and programs. Look through the course listings in the online Course Catalog and on our Course Browser. Make a list of courses that sound interesting to you; that’s a good resource to have later in the summer when you will be thinking more specifically about your fall schedule.