Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center

This is home to a variety of programs and services designed to help all Wellesley students achieve their full academic potential. Tutoring is the primary service provided by the PLTC, but also offered are a large collection of printed resources on effective learning, and individual consultation with the director on study skills and learning styles. Learn more about the PLTC

Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources

Students needing accommodations for specific learning issues or other disabilities should complete the online Accessibility and Disability Resources form (available on the Entering Student Checklist on MyWellesley), in order to give the staff time to prepare for their support as students arrive on campus. You can find out more about Accessibility and Disability Resources


Supplemental Instruction

As you consider your first semester courses, we want you to be aware of one particular academic support program—Supplemental Instruction, a very successful academic support program offered for selected Wellesley courses. Many new students have found this to be an excellent resource.


Who can take it? When is it offered?

Supplemental Instruction is open to all students enrolled in the course. You don’t need to sign-up in advance and you can attend SI whenever you need extra help. It begins the first week of class and runs weekly with two study sessions offered each week throughout the semester.


Who leads these sessions? How does SI work?

Trained, experienced Wellesley students who have successfully completed the same course, often with the same professor, lead SI sessions. Your SI leader attends all of the course lectures so they have first-hand knowledge of the concepts that you and your classmates find most challenging. They also work closely with your professor to develop activities that further explain the course content with a focus on how to study as well as what to study. We encourage you to take advantage of SI; you’ll be glad you did!