(781) 283-3102
Faculty emeritus
B.A., Humboldt State University; M.S., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., Dartmouth College
Randy Shull
Professor Emeritus of Computer ScienceCurrently studying the structure of tolerance orders of open closed intervals.
Although my primary research interest is in the design of graph algorithms, I have worked in a number of other areas including finite projective geometry, matroid theory, combinatorial optimization, differential equations, and partial orders. Combining interests in teaching and research, I have carried out collaborative research with Wellesley undergraduates doing work in tolerance digraphs, finite element method exploration of solutions spaces for partial differential equations, interval graphs and cryptography.
In the computer science department, I have taught courses in data structures, design and analysis of algorithms, automata and computability, complexity theory, computer networks, theory of programming languages, compiler design, computer organization and architecture, cryptography as well several different introductory courses for computer science majors and nonmajors.
I have served on a numerous college committees, been past president of the local chapter of Sigma Xi, and was for many years chair of the Computer Science Department.