Travel FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions on Travel:

Q: I used my personal car to attend a business meeting. How do I get reimbursed?
Complete a Travel Expense Report form and you will be reimbursed the standard mileage rate, currently at $0.70 per mile.
Q: How do I get reimbursed for payments made for airline tickets and hotel deposits for future business travel plans?
You may request a travel advance using the Travel Advance form and then put these expenses on your expense report once the travel is complete.
Q: My position requires a lot of in-state travel using my own vehicle. Do I need to use a Travel Report form if my only expense is for mileage?
All travel including non-overnight travel needs to be done on the Travel Expense Report form.
Q: When I use my vehicle for business travel, I pay for turnpike tolls on my E-Z pass, and I do not get a receipt as such. Can I get reimbursed anyway, without individual receipts?
Travel expenses under $50 do not require a receipt, but they should still be listed on the report. If you paid more than $50 in tolls on one particular day, please explain why there are no receipts for that larger amount.
Q: While I was away at a conference, I had a lunch meeting with my research collaborator to discuss our research project. How do I expense this?
Since reimbursable expenses need to be business related, you must include the names of your guest(s), professional affiliation, and purpose of the meal meeting. You can write these on the front of the Travel Report in the space provided.
Q: I had difficulty getting taxi receipts while I was in Mexico. How can I get reimbursed?
If original receipts are not available, proof of payment and an itemization of the charges must be provided before reimbursement will be made. If you paid in cash, please indicate this on the Missing Receipt Affidavit Form. If your expense was charged on a credit card, please provide a copy of your statement showing the charges.
Q: I went to a conference and did not get a receipt for the registration fee. What do I need to do to get reimbursed?
Submit a completed Missing Receipt form with your Travel report and be sure to attach a copy of the credit card state, or front and back of your canceled check, to show proof of payment.
Q: When I booked my hotel on, and the hotel would not provide me with a receipt. How can I get reimbursed without a receipt?
You should have a print out from at the time of the booking that details your charges. If you did not print one out, you must complete the Missing Receipt form with attached copy of your credit card statement showing the charge.
Q: I forgot to save my boarding passes. How do I get reimbursed?
In lieu of the boarding pass, you must provide some documentation of your flight i.e. an itinerary or have other substantiating expenses listed on your report and an attached Missing Receipt affidavit. If you do not have an original receipt for your tickets, you must show some proof of payment by including a copy of your credit card statement.
Q: I will be traveling outside the U.S. for two weeks while working on my research project. How do I get reimbursed?
For faculty long term travel, requests for reimbursement should be made on a Faculty Long Term Research Expense report. This form does not apply to foreign travel for conferences.