What to Know Before You Go Learn everything you need to know about travel reimbursements.
Dotti Koulalis (Accounts Payable) |
Contact instructor to coordinate time.
Paying the Piper Learn what you need to know to pay individuals and businesses and to reimburse people for expenses. |
Dotti Koulalis (Accounts Payable) |
Contact instructor to coordinate time. |
Purchasing 101: Who, What, Where, When, and Why Learn what the Purchasing Department does and how to comply with the College's purchasing policy.
Joe Gibree (Purchasing) |
Contact instructor to coordinate time. |
ProCard 101: Cardholders The online training will take you through an introduction to the program, getting started (logging on to SDOL), accessing your financial transactions and reporting options.
Laura DeFrancisco (Purchasing) |
Contact instructor to coordinate time. |
ProCard 101: Approvers The online training will take you through an introduction to the program, getting started (logging on to SDOL), the approval process and reporting options. |
Laura DeFrancisco (Purchasing) |
Contact instructor to coordinate time. |