My Favorite Places

My Favorite Places

Hannah Cho ‘20

Paulson Initiative Intern 2019-20


What makes a landscape special to you? What do you value in a place? What values are reflected in how you remember and visualize the places you're from? How do you explain your place attachment? 


For my project with the Paulson Ecology of Place Initiative this semester, I created a podcast interviewing friends and strangers on these questions. The experience taught me both about how people develop a sense of place and how to produce a podcast. Talking to the guests about their special places provided an inlet into their personal journeys, their childhoods, and the powerful impact that a place can have on someone's life. Fostering a safe environment of curiosity for guests was crucial for receiving their honesty and authenticity. During these conversations and after, I learned how to artfully illustrate the narrative arcs of our conversations as rich auditory stories


Find the My Favorite Places podcast Soundcloud link here.




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