Paulson People 2022-2023

Reena Kim

Reena Kim

Paulson Initiative Intern

Hi I’m Reena, a rising sophomore (class of 2026) from the Bay Area with an interest in both the political and biological aspects of environmental studies at Wellesley College. From a young age, I was pretty interested in botany but had no substantial way to expand my expertise with the exception of my grandma. I followed her through Korean supermarkets and farms, learning how to identify her favorite Persian cucumbers, hot chili peppers, and her favorite perilla leaves.  So naturally, I gravitated towards the gardening aspect of this internship being fortunate enough to discover them as both an active Paulson member, Botanista event chair and BGSA student worker. I have since then been growing in my interests with gardening, and tried to keep up with my ambitions with my basic knowledge in the kitchen gardens so far (we’re growing perilla leaves!) Since coming to this internship, I have been continuously pushed out of my comfort zone and have been surprised by how far I have come, as I’ve actually been set on being an art history/studio arts major at a design school altogether. Botany was just a budding interest of mine, but  have since realized that I could combine both my artistic and scientific passions within the Paulson side of the internship. As an amateur artist and ex-studio art teacher, I have done high school murals, clay sculptures, and portfolio pieces  but never applied my skills beyond my art classes. But through Paulson, I was beyond thrilled to see that we would be able to connect aesthetics to practicality and sustainability . I am quite excited and a little scared for what’s to come, but like a magnolia tree I hope for endurance and luck throughout this summer as a budding botanist, artist, and student!

Julia Koziatek

Julia Koziatek

Paulson Initiative Intern
Hi! I'm Julia, and I'm a member of the Class of 2026 at Wellesley. My interest in the environment was first piqued when I began training outdoors in my hometown of southern Illinois for a half-marathon during my sophomore year of high school. Watching the world around me change throughout the seasons was an especially moving experience, and prompted me to take an environmental science class the following year. At Wellesley, I plan to major in Environmental Studies, and I'm also involved in orgs like The Wellesley News. In my free time, you can find me scouring Boston for new coffee shops or jogging by the lake!


Erynn Lau

Erynn Lau

Paulson Initiative Intern

Erynn no longer sees themselves as isolated, but instead, finds grounding in lived experiences of community care. Erynn (any pronouns, class of 2025) is on a journey to access legacies of strength, in their family and chosen family alike. Her experiences at United World College were instrumental in allowing them to develop a commitment to environmental sustainability in tandem with compassion and curiosity. Before entering college as an international student in 2022, they participated in a gap year, taking away a love of connection and vulnerable storytelling. From his experience organizing with Singapore’s Oogachaga Boost Leaders, Erynn solidified a personal conviction in the strength of LGBTQIA+ youths to self-organize and develop community ownership, thereby accessing radical self love. Erynn hopes to pursue science communication as a medium for language that connects people via compassion, justice and wonder, and is furthering their DEI work in undergraduate spaces. Outside of their professional development, Erynn pursues a mindfulness practice.

Eliza White

Eliza White

Paulson Initiative Intern

Hi! My name is Eliza (She/Her), and I’m a member of the Class of 2026. I’m still undecided on my major, but I have a passion for learning in all sorts of areas! During my first year I tried to take a variety of courses, which is what led me to a horticulture lab in spring semester. The diverse learning experiences I had in that course, through ‘meeting’ plants and working in teams to get to know them and how to uniquely care for them, strengthened my passion for stewarding nature.  On campus, I’m involved in WAMI’s Union and Labor Advocacy task force, WZLY College Radio, the Young Democratic Socialists, and the Agora Society. I also volunteer at Off the Rocks Animal Rescue in the town of Wellesley, because I love, love cats (and miss mine from home!). I’m particularly interested in community organizing, reading funky books, meeting new species across campus and beyond, and all sorts of sports (though I’m definitely not an athlete, haha)! I’m excited to build a connection with Wellesley’s landscape in tandem with the interns, staff, and larger community!

Saniya Dawn

Saniya Dawn

Paulson Initiative Intern

Hi! My name is Saniya(Sa-n-eye-ya) Dawn, and I am class of 2025 at Wellesley College. I spent my entire life in Kansas City, Missouri, so I was very happy and excited when I got to leave the country for the first time and go to Greece during my very first semester at Wellesley! I knew I was going to be a computer science major before I decided on Wellesley, though I am also currently exploring a psychology minor. My interest in plants started when I got to the center of a plum, and was ecstatic at the idea that this seed could give me a whole tree of delicious fruit all to myself that I could watch grow and take care of. Since then I’ve always wanted to start my own garden to grow my own food, or learn so much about the nature around me that one day I’ll be able to go into the forest and never have to come back out. With those aspirations in mind,  I’m hoping my green thumb will prosper with everything I learn working as a Botanic Gardens and Paulson Intivative intern, and that I leave this summer knowing what I can eat in the wild or what can poison my foes!

Sylva Das

Sylva Das

Paulson Initiative Intern

Hi, my name is Sylva! I am part of the class of 2026 and from Ann Arbor, Michigan. As a child, some of my happiest times were spent in the woods near my house: wading in the creek, learning to identify plants and trees, and observing the life cycles of great horned owls, monarch butterflies, frogs, toads and newts. Through these experiences I developed a deep connection to nature and environmental science and realized the need and urgency for climate action. At Wellesley, I am a prospective environmental studies major and I work as a student ambassador at the Frost Center for the Environment. I am also involved in the Wellesley Whiptails ultimate frisbee team, Fusion, and Enact. In my free time, I love to stay busy with hobbies like running, mountain biking, teaching kayaking classes, playing card games, and doing the daily Wordle. 

KC Cole

KC Cole

Paulson Initiative Intern

My name is KC Cole (they/them, class of 2025). I currently live in Katonah, NY (suburbia). I’m majoring in Environmental Studies with a minor in Biology. My interest in nature started off with a Jane Goodall obsession in elementary school, but has since branched more broadly into ecology and animal behavior. I work during the year at the Botanic Gardens as a proud member of the fish team. I’m excited to work for the  Paulson Initiative and Botanic Gardens this summer and develop my knowledge and interest in the plant kingdom! In my free time you can find me doing sudoku, playing frisbee, watching nature documentaries, and reading!

Lilia Bickson

Lilia Bickson

Paulson Initiative Intern

My name is Lilia and I am part of the class of 2025 majoring in Environmental Studies and Chinese Language & Culture. I grew up in both Hawai’i and Arizona, and during my time as a Paulson Initiative/Botanic Gardens intern I’m very interested in practicing Hawaiian principles of stewardship and kuleana (responsibility) while on Wellesley’s campus. In my free time I enjoy spending time in the sun and swimming at Lake Waban. I hope to learn from and engage with Indigenous ways of knowing from this area of the country and put to use the knowledge I develop this coming fall as a Paulson International Study Fellow in Taiwan.

Aissata Barry

Aissata Barry

Paulson Initiative Intern

Hello! I’m Aissata and I was born and raised in the Bronx. At Wellesley, I am in the purple class of 2026 and am interested in studying economics and environmental science. My adoration of the environment began when I spent a summer in high school working at several local community gardens. Experiencing all the ways nature nourishes every living being inspired me to pursue more opportunities where I can return the favor by nourishing the environment. In my free time, I enjoy dancing with Wellesley’s Yanvalou club, reading poetry, and going on long walks.

Annie Zhang

Annie Zhang

Paulson Initiative Intern

Hello everyone! I’m Annie (she/her), and I’m Class of 2025 from the California Bay Area. I love drawing, the ocean, and going to the farmers market. My personal goals for the year include fixing my sleep schedule and learning to play the kalimba, and you can find me making quesadillas in the dorm kitchen or wandering by Lake Waban. I’m excited to intern with the Paulson Initiative, and I look forward to spending another year exploring all the surprises the nature of Wellesley has to offer!