A Call to Action: Help Wellesley Identify the Values of the College

A shaded green, backdrop with text that reads "share your thoughts at wellesley.io/values."
November 28, 2018

As the College sets out to review and reformulate its expressed values, President Paula A. Johnson is asking students, faculty, and staff to access a Google form—which will be open until Friday, November 30—and respond to this question:

What aspect of Wellesley has had the most powerful effect on you?

Our institutional values represent “the fundamental shared beliefs that guide our community as we live, learn, and work together, and they speak to the singular nature and immense potential of the College,” said Johnson in a letter distributed to the community on November 26. “Together with Wellesley’s mission, our values serve as guideposts for future planning and decision-making.”

In addition, the College's values speak to those beyond the community who wish to gain a deeper understanding of Wellesley.

The College’s Accreditation Steering Committee, which identified the need to reconsider the College’s values as it was drafting the self-study required for Wellesley’s reaccreditation, is guiding this process. (The self-study is also posted online; community members are also invited to review it and provide feedback through Friday.)

Later this winter, the steering committee will share its progress and seek community feedback as the campus considers the most fundamental and compelling aspects of Wellesley.