First-Years And New Students Arrive on Campus

Welcome Class of 2019 and all new students — it’s Move-In Day!
Today also marks the start of Orientation week. New students can expect a range of academic, social, and informational activities designed to introduce new students to the Wellesley community. The theme of this year's Orientation program is “Brighter Together” — look for the lightbulb design and the phrase “Brighter Together” on many Orientation materials, and on the colorful T-shirts worn by student leaders.
"Being a senior makes me feel sentimental about Orientation and the start of the school year,” said Claire Verbeck '16, who with Annie Wang '17 and Sheridan Rogers '17, is one of this year’s student orientation coordinators. “These incoming students are the future of our institution... we look forward to welcoming them to our community with open arms."
The Orientation schedule can be found through Guidebook. To access and download the Guidebook app to your phone or other mobile device, please follow the instructions found here. A pdf version of the schedule can also be found here.
For most new students today is their first day on campus, but International Students and varsity athletes arrived on August 21 for Pre-Orientation activities. For International Students, this included a Welcome Brunch on Friday that, according to Karen Zuffante Pabon, Director of Slater International Center and International Student and Scholar Advisor, saw the largest group of visitors ever.
Welcome students!