
Dear Wellesley: Lamisa S. Hossain ’17 Writes from San Francisco
The sixth in a summer postcard series featuring letters from students, Lamisa S. Hossain '17 writes from San Francisco where she is working with elected official Wilma Chan '71.

Wellesley’s Conservation Facility Protects the College's Valuable Collections
The behind the scenes work of Wellesley’s Conservation Facility extends the life of Wellesley’s valuable collections and research materials.

Dear Wellesley: Julia Springer ’16 Writes from Venice
The fifth in a summer postcard series featuring letters from students, Julia Springer ’16 writes from Venice where she is interning at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.

The 2015-2016 Academic Year Begins
Meet the Yellow Class of 2019. Members of the class hail from 48 states and 41 countries and represent a range of interests, accomplishments and accolades.

Move-In Day 2015
It's Move-In Day and the first day of Orientation. Wellesley welcomes incoming first-years and all new students.

Alumna Inducted into the New England Basketball Hall of Fame
Liza Janssen Petra '94, a nationally recognized force during her four-year basketball career at Wellesley, was inducted into the New England Basketball Hall of Fame on August 8.

The Hamilton Project At Brookings Appoints Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach '95 As New Director
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach ‘95 has been appointed director of The Hamilton Project, an economic policy initiative at the Brookings Institution.

NPR Calls on Susan Reverby For Presidential Candidate Fact Check Story
Wellesley's Susan Reverby participated in a Fact Check story for the NPR blog "It's All Politics" which investigated a claim made by a presidential candidate about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger (pictured).

Edible Ecosystem Garden Insect Survey
A recent bio survey helped identify which plants attract the most, and most diverse, beneficial insects to Wellesley’s Edible Ecosystem Teaching Garden.

Green Hall Door Refurbishment Project
More than 20 layers of paint and primer were stripped from two Green Hall entry doors to prepare them for repair and refinishing. The doors will be reinstalled this fall.

The Arts and Culture at Wellesley, Fall 2015
Each semester the College invites highly esteemed professional artists, performers, writers, and speakers to campus. Read highlights from the Fall 2015 edition of the Arts and Culture at Wellesley Calendar.

Discuss The Humanities
Wellesley is embarking on a focused effort to spread the word about the crucial role the Humanities play in a liberal arts education.

Kate Bussert ’16, a Rising Senior, Is Also a Rising Director
Kate Bussert ’16 planned to focus on English literature and her senior thesis when she studied abroad last year, she ended up directing an award-winning play and founding a production company as well.

Wellesley Faculty Member Cofounded Revolution 250
On August 14, copper lanterns will illuminate the plaza where the Liberty Tree once stood as part of a commemorative anniversary event designed, in part, by Wellesley’s Martha McNamara.

Summer Send-Offs Inform and Inspire Incoming Wellesley Students
Alumnae clubs across the United States, and one in Hong Kong, recently hosted Summer Send-Offs for incoming students. The events let first-years learn about the resources offered on campus and through Wellesley’s worldwide network.

Students Join Expedition to Russia’s Lake Baikal
Bella Nikom '17 and Kristin Huizenga '16 joined Professor Marianne Moore on an Expedition to Russia’s Lake Baikal this summer.

Wellesley Welcomes Student Leaders Back to Campus
Nearly 200 student leaders have returned to campus this week for a week of leadership training and to prepare to welcome the incoming class next week during Orientation.

Wellesley Professor and Students Publish Research on Microbes and Human Health
In a new article, Wellesley’s Vanja Klepac-Ceraj and students, Serry Park '16 and Rebecca J. Rubinstein '15, argue that an understanding of microbiology could change the way doctors diagnose and treat diseases.

Donors’ Dollars at Work for Wellesley College
More than 16,550 alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends contributed to drive Wellesley’s success this year. Together they provided in excess of $52 million in support.

Wellesley’s Gas Depot Keeps the College Moving
Most people have never seen nor heard of Wellesley’s gas depot, but it fuels many essential functions on campus.

Wellesley Team Competed in Spring 2015 New England Sports Network Reality TV Show
A team of Wellesley students participated in a sports-themed reality TV show this spring on NESN.