June 2013

Shanghai Daily Reports on the Wellesley-Peking Partnership
In an article for Shanghai Daily, Wellesley alum Yao Minji '06 reported on the inaugural academic program of the Wellesley-Peking partnership and shared her own experience of the value of the liberal arts education.

Women World Partners Announced in New York City's Time Square
Women World Partners was featured on an electronic billboard in New York City's Time Square, with a display of Wellesley's infographic on the importance of investing in the leadership potential of women.

CCTV Speaks with President Bottomly about Women and Leadership in Beijing
Wellesley President H. Kim Bottomly was interviewed on the China Central Television (CCTV) program Dialogue for the launch of the Wellesley-Peking partnership.

Red Classes Win Love Your Color Competition
Alumnae were asked to “show Wellesley a bit of love” by making a gift before the close of the fiscal year, and show the love they did! Classes competed in a month-long "Love your Color" challenge with the RED classes emerging victorious -- thanks to everyone who donated!

Pamela Melroy '83 on the 50th Anniversary of the First Woman in Space
Retired NASA astronaut Pamela Melroy '83 was the second woman to command a space shuttle mission. The recent speaker at Beijing's Women's Leadership conference wrote for the Guardian reflecting on the past 50 years, leadership, and the women who went before her.

New Study Examines How Team Dynamics Influence Leadership, Volunteer Commitment
A new study co-authored by Wellesley's Hahrie Han looked at what organizational factors make for the most committed leaders. Among other findings, the study revealed that leaders whose success is intimately linked to efforts of other members contribute more time.

Imagination Takes Botanic Garden Interns on a "Roller Coaster" Ride
The Wellesley College Botanistas created their very own roller coaster on campus earlier this week. True, it doesn't actually move and ultimately all the "cars" will hold dirt and plants, but it still looked like a lot of fun! Find out the real purpose of the faux amusement park ride.

Wellesley Alumnae Receive Honorary Degrees
Vivian Pinn '62 received an honorary degree from Bates College this year; she was among Wellesley community members including Madeleine Albright '59, Diana Chapman Walsh '66, Alecia DeCoudreaux '76, and others, recognized for leadership in their respective fields by colleges and universities across the continent.

Town of Wellesley Ranks Third Among Most Educated U.S. Places
The Town of Wellesley was recently ranked among "The Most Educated Places in America" by the personal finance website NerdWallet.com. Wellesley College and the Wellesley Centers for Women were both mentioned in the ranking.

Wellesley Professors Reveal Dynamics of Citizen Reporters and the Social Web
A new paper by Wellesley computer scientists Takis Metaxas and Eni Mustafaraj examines a network of citizen journalists reporting on activities of drug cartels in Mexico, where citizens have turned to each other on social media, to keep informed and out of harm's way.

First Women World Partners Collaborative Concludes in Beijing
Women World Partners' inaugural program, a partnership between Wellesley and Peking University, culminated in Women’s Leadership: Making a Difference in the World, a day-long summit convening hundreds of women leaders from around the globe.

Wellesley Campus Busy Through Summer
Wellesley's Summer Session, summer research, museums, and gardens are in full swing as summer officially begins. The College also welcomes participants from other learning programs on campus in the coming months—from middle-school explorers to seasoned composers.

Wellesley Researchers Return to Archaeological Dig in Greece
Metrowest Daily News reports on the work of Associate Professor of Classical Studies Bryan Burns, who, with current and former Wellesley students, is researching a site believed to be of one Ancient Greece's earliest inhabited regions.

Wellesley Summer Theater's 'Dancing at Lughnasa' a Boston Globe Pick
In the harvest season of 1936 anything seems possible for five sisters in County Donegal, even love. But is the world they know about to change forever? This production runs through June 23 at Wellesley.

Sustainability Initiatives Go Strong at Wellesley
As the academic year came to an end, Wellesley's Office of Sustainability repeated its popular Sustainable Move-Out, made individual recycling easier on campus, and installed two electric car charging stations in the Davis parking structure.

Alumna Named to Obama's Economic Council
Betsey Stevenson '93 was appointed last week by President Obama to his Council of Economic Advisers. The Council is responsible for advising the president on issues related to economic policy and for proposing potential solutions.

Professor Susan Reverby Quoted in Christian Science Monitor
In 2009, research by Professor Susan Reverby uncovered thousands of Guatemalans who were intentionally infected with STDs in the 1940s by US public health researchers. An appeal on their case against the US government was dismissed this week.

Wellesley and Peking University Host Global Leadership Conference
Wellesley's innovative partnership with Peking University presents a first-of-its-kind conference in Beijing, Women's Leadership: Making a Difference in the World, on June 15, 2013.

President Bottomly in the New York Times
Responding to the New York Times editorial on the summit meeting between presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping of China, President Bottomly asserted that relationship-building must happen on the ground too, not just in diplomatic conference rooms.

Wellesley Alumna Elected to National Academy of Sciences
Katherine Haines Freeman '84 has received one of the highest honors awarded to American scientists. The Penn State geosciences professor's specialty—fossil molecules, or biomarkers, from ancient flora—shows roots in her geology-classical civilization double major at Wellesley.

WCW Executive Director Joins White House to Spotlight Equal Pay Act
Layli Maparyan, the Katherine Stone Kaufmann '67 Executive Director of the Wellesley Centers for Women, was an invited guest at the White House as President Obama reaffirmed the goals of the Equal Pay Act on its 50th anniversary.

Reunion 2013
Undaunted by Tropical Storm Andrea, balloons are flying in class colors, white tents are offering festive shelter, and phalanxes of golf carts stand ready to welcome Wellesley women who graduated five to 75 years ago.

Albright at Wellesley's Inaugural Women World Partners Event
Madeleine Korbel Albright '59 visited the inaugural Women World Partners institute in Beijing to discuss the importance of pursuing an interdisciplinary approach to women’s global leadership through international collaboration, particularly between the U.S. and China.

Class Colors Build Spirit and Invite Participation at Wellesley
A colorful tradition is going strong at Wellesley: Each class customizes and adopts its assigned color, and plays it up big at Commencement, Reunion, and other events. Love your color!

China's Oldest Active Chinese Language Newspaper Announces World Women Partners
Ta Kung Pao, the oldest active Chinese language newspaper in China, covers a range of political, economic and cultural topics. The paper recently covered World Women Partners. This article is in Chinese.

Boston Globe Business Updates and BostInno.com Cover World Women Partners
Two local, influential blogs -- the Boston Globe's Business Updates and BostInno.com -- recently covered World Women Partners.

Academic Program of the Wellesley College-Peking University Partnership Begins Today in Beijing
The Wellesley College-Peking University Partnership for Women’s Leadership in a Global Era academic program begins today at Peking University in Beijing, China.

Wellesley Crew Takes Fifth at NCAA Championships
Wellesley's rowing team finished the 2013 season with a strong performance at the NCAA Division III Championships at Eagle Creek Lake outside Indianapolis, Ind. Wellesley finished in the top five in the nation for the fourth straight year.

Shaer, Rodensky, and Gleason Receive 2013 Pinanski Prizes
The Anna and Samuel Pinanski Teaching Prize is awarded annually to members of the Wellesley College faculty to honor fine teaching. The 2013 winners, revealed at Commencement, are professors of computer science, English, and psychology.

Wilton Virgo Demystifies Quantum Mechanics
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Wilton L. Virgo illuminates the chemistry of climate change and the quantum mechanics of everyday life in two innovative publications.