Dr. Fred Gage Regulation and Function of Neurogenesis in the Adult Hippocampus
November 20, 2014
Dr. Fred Gage
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, CA.

Shari Wiseman Regulation of protein synthesis in long-term memory formation and disease
October 30, 2014
Shari Wiseman
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Dr. Geoffrey Ling What's new and cool in Neuroscience
October 9, 2014
Dr. Geoffrey Ling
Defense Advances Research Projects Agency

Video of Geoffrey Ling's Lecture

James FallonIt's Never Too Late to Find Your True Self
April 17, 2014
James Fallon
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Irvine, CA.

Video of James Fallon's Lecture

Nancy Kanwisher Functional Specificity in the Human Brain: A Window into the Functional Architecture of the Mind
April 4, 2014
Nancy Kanwisher
Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT
Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Cambridge, MA.

Dr. Irene Soderhall Crustacean Immunity and Hematopoiesis
April 3, 2014
Dr. Irene Soderhall
Uppsala University, Sweden.