Computing Recommendations
Wellesley has an institution wide preference to purchase EPEAT Gold computers and monitors.
- Print double-sided (duplex printing), instructions for:
Print 2 pages (or more for PowerPoint) on a page
- Shake the toner cartridge from side to side when printer reads "toner low"
- Purchase high-yield toner and recycled paper
- Use "Print Preview" before printing to make sure you know how long a document is and that you're only printing what you need
- Only print a document once unless you get an error message -- if the document doesn't print make sure you are printing to the correct printer
- Shut down printers, scanners, and computers at night (plug USB-powered scanners into computers only when needed)
- Check your computer energy settings and set the computer to sleep after a reasonable period of inactivity. The following recommendations can be adjusted to your individual needs:
Windows Computers
- Go to the Start menu > Control Panel > Power Options . If you do not see the "Power Options" icon use the search text box in the upper right hand corner. type "power" into the search hit Enter. This will bring up Power Options.
- In the settings in Power Options, select the following and save:
- Turn off monitor: After 20 mins
- Turn off hard disks: After 1 hr
- System standby: After 2 hrs
Macintosh Computers
- Go to the Apple menu > System Preferences > Energy Saver tab.
- Put the computer to sleep when it's been inactive for: 1 hr
- Put the display to sleep when it's been inactive for: 20 mins
- Put the hard disks to sleep when possible: check box
Office documents
- Make information available online instead of in print format
- Edit documents using track changes instead of using printed documents for editing
- Recycle batteries in designated boxes in Knapp
What not to do
- Don't reuse already printed paper in the printers (it causes jams)