Organizing Course Materials for You and Your Students
Well-organized courses help students succeed. For detailed suggestions on planning the organization of your course, see VIRTL's "Concrete Tips and Principles for Successful 7-week Courses".
Create an Interactive Syllabus in Sakai or Google
Use Sakai's Syllabus tool or Lessons tool
Link directly to readings, forum posts, videos, quizzes, and more. You can even turn off all the tools within Sakai except for those you choose as suitable for your course.
Google Interactive Syllabus
Use a single Google document to link to readings and assignments.
Be consistent and clear with your file organization and file names
It will help prevent confusion and it's more accessible. You can use these strategies in Sakai's Resources or in Google Drive.
For more information, explore the resources on Organizing Course Materials for You and Your Students available on the VIRTL website.