Supporting Adolescent Mental Health in the “New Normal”
Nearly all adolescents have been affected by the stress, fear, grief, and uncertainty of the pandemic. With a new school year underway, tweens and teens are grappling with their “new normal,” as they navigate what it means to be back at school in person after, for some, many months of virtual learning. During this time of transition and adjustment, some adolescents may be more at risk for mental health concerns, and school communities can be valuable resources in connecting tweens and teens to the support they need.
During this program, a panel of researchers and practitioners will discuss how educators, parents, and school communities can come together to support mental health for middle school and high school students. They will review how to identify students in need of support, share insights from an innovative school/research partnership that addresses adolescent depression, and reflect on how the partnership has enhanced their school community’s awareness of and approach to mental wellbeing for all students.
- Katherine R. Buchholz, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Wellesley Centers for Women
- Tracy R.G. Gladstone, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist and Research Director, Wellesley Centers for Women
- David Jordan, Ed.D., Principal, Robert Adams Middle School
- Deanna Kanavas-DeRocher, Ed.S., LMHC, School Psychologist, Natick High School
- Moderated by Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., Executive Director, Wellesley Centers for Women
Please register in advance.
This virtual program is part of the Social Change Dialogues series hosted by the Wellesley Centers for Women, with support from the Cowles/Sulzberger Fund. The program will be recorded and shared with those who cannot attend live. Please send questions about the program to wcw@wellesley.edu.
Apr 1, 5–6:30 PM
Mar 24, 12:45–2 PM