Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum
The Betsy Wood Knapp ’64 Lecture
How do we talk about race on campuses that have become increasingly diverse and that seek to promote equity and a sense of belonging? Join Beverly Daniel Tatum, author of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race and president emerita of Spelman College, and Michael Jeffries, dean of academic affairs and professor of American studies at Wellesley, for a candid conversation about racial relations in this country, and learn ways to facilitate necessary conversations about race and inclusion among young people.
This event is open to Wellesley College, Babson College, and Olin College community members.
A recording of the lecture is availble to Wellesley community using your MyWellesley login. Wellesley alumnae can request access to the recording of the lecture by emailing sdatz@wellesley.edu. (Please indicate your Wellesley affiliation as part of the request.)
the Office of the President, the PLTC, the Knapp Social Science Center, the HHMI-funded Inclusive Excellence grant
Apr 2, 5–6:30 PM
Mar 24, 12:45–2 PM