Women Filmmakers at Wellesley: The Role of the Producer
In this interactive presentation, independent film producer Linda Reisman will discuss the roles of the creative producer, line producer, and executive producer in film making. She will also explain the process and work that is involved from the development of a script to the film’s distribution.
Reception with refreshments served.
Linda Reisman is an independent film producer and senior distinguished producer-in-residence in the Department of Visual & Media at Emerson College. Her most recent film, Leave No Trace, premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival and internationally in the Directors Fortnight section of the Cannes Film Festival. Other notable work include The Danish Girl (2015) and Affliction (1997).
Margaret Cezair-Thompson, mcezaire@wellesley.edu
The English and Creative Writing Department, co-sponsored by the CLCE.
Apr 2, 5–6:30 PM
Mar 24, 12:45–2 PM