Wangechi Mutu, 'You are my sunshine,' collage painting on paper, 24 x 36", 2015.
The Bakwin Lecture: Wangechi Mutu
The Art Department invites all to the annual Dr. Ruth Morris Bakwin Class of 1919 Art Lecture. This year’s featured speaker is artist Wangechi Mutu. Perhaps best known for her paintings and sculptures, Mutu’s interdisciplinary art practice addresses issues of gender, race, colonialism, and environmentalism, in both the historical and the contemporary realm. Her work is often associated with the Afrofuturist and feminist movements. Born in Nairobi, Kenya, Mutu now lives and works in New York.
For questions, please contact: Samara Pearlstein, spearls2@wellesley.edu
Generously supported by the Dr. Ruth Morris Bakwin Class of 1919 Art Lecture Fund
Courtesy of the artist.
Mar 10, 12:45–2 PM
Sep 19–Mar 6, 12:45–2 PM; 12:45–2 PM; 12:45–2 PM; 12:45–2 PM