Vladimir Putin
Putin’s Pantheon: Saints, Tsars and Executioners
In his third term, 2012-2018, Russian President Putin put a marked emphasis on ideas, symbols and values. But the Kremlin’s ideology, which might look rigid, is in fact improvisational, blurry and full of contradictions. Lenin’s statues are left untouched, while new monuments commemorate tsars and princes. Putin inaugurated a new Memorial to Stalin’s Victims, but busts of Stalin have appeared in many Russian cities. This lecture will argue that while such ideological flexibility may help stability and acquiescence, underneath a seeming concord of loyalists, the Kremlin is riddled with ideological—and potentially, political—divisions.
Maria (Masha) Lipman is a Russian political analyst and media specialist. She is editor of the Russian journal, Counterpoint,
Generously supported by the Davis Fund for Russian Area Studies and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. Co-sponsored by the History Department.
Maria Hamrin
Sep 19–Mar 6, 12:45–2 PM; 12:45–2 PM; 12:45–2 PM; 12:45–2 PM
Mar 24, 12:45–2 PM