International Trade Commission Reports
Administration of trade disputes in the United States is handled by a number of different agencies. In the case of antidumping and countervailing duty cases, the ITC is responsible for determining the extent of "material injury" to US firms resulting from imports, as well as conducting Sunset Reviews. The International Trade Administration, part of the Department of Commerce, is responsible for determining if dumping (export subsidies) has occurred and, if so, how much the antidumping duty (countervailing duty) should be.
The ITC reports can be found online and on the main floor of the Clapp Library, with call numbers beginning with Docs SuDocs ITC 1.12.... These are textual reports with economic commentary; some are preliminary and some are final. Both the preliminary and final reports of a trade dispute have the same call number and are filed together. While the reports have labels indicating that they do not circulate, you may borrow the paper reports until the end of the semester.
The reports listed under Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations and Sunset Reviews have been pulled from the shelves. These reports are on a shelf behind the Reference Librarian’s desk and work on an honor code sign-out system. Ask one of the librarians to help you locate these documents.
For all Sunset Reviews and in some other instances, a commodity involved in a trade dispute may previously have petitioned the ITC for relief. It can be instructive to search for the earlier report and see how the arguments used by the domestic industry either have changed or have remained the same. Clapp Library houses most of the ITC reports, both final and preliminary. There are a few cases that are missing the most recent documentation in the library due to changes in the printing policy of the ITC. In the event that the report is not in the library, it can be accessed online using the links provided. If you have trouble locating an earlier report, please ask a reference librarian for assistance.