Senior Summit

CS Senior Summit


As a precondition for graduation, the CS department requires each senior to demonstrate their skill at learning and presenting a technical topic to fellow students. This will typically consist of presenting a poster during the CS Senior Summit that is scheduled each spring.


Poster topics vary according to the student’s interest, but each poster should represent new knowledge, in the computing field, that the student has acquired independently. Topics eligible for posters include:

  • A summer research or internship experience

  • An independent study experience

  • An independent project performed on or off campus

  • Some other topic of the student's choice

A student can re-use an older poster, given the following:

  • It is not more than a year old

  • It addresses the general CS population


New for Academic Year 2023/2024


  • You have until the first few weeks of spring semester to think about your poster topic
  • There will be no poster advisors. Instead the department will share videos explaining the process.
  • A couple of general Q&A sessions will be held in the spring and before major deadlines to answer your questions.
  • You will submit your poster title and abstract to be reviewed by a faculty committee. You will be notified if the topic is accepted, rejected, or accepted with revisions, with adequate feedback to help you revise your poster topic if needed.
  • Similarly, later in the semester, you will submit your poster draft to be reviewed by a faculty committee, and you will be notified if the draft is accepted or needs modifications. 
    • If your poster is accepted, the department will print it and you can present it at the poster session.
    • If your poster is accepted with revisions, you must revise and resubmit by the resubmission date below.
    • If your poster is rejected, you must completely redo it and resubmit by the resubmission date

Timeline for Spring 2024


  • Friday, Feb 9th, submit your poster title and abstract to a Gradescope item that will be available for you.
  • Friday, Feb 16th, you will receive feedback on your poster proposal
  • Thursday, March 28th, complete draft of poster uploaded using a Google Form (TBD).
  • Thursday, April 4th: feedback from faculty committee: accept, accept with revisions, or reject
  • Thursday, April 18th: resubmission deadline. Final draft PDF for poster due, uploaded to Google Drive
  • Thursday, April 25th: Senior Poster Fair, during community time, 12:45-2:15

Senior Posters from Spring 2022


  • Aine Kenwood: Building an Introductory, Interactive MD simulation for pedagogical use at the High School level
  • Alexandra Bullen-Smith: Investigating and Predicting Retention Rates in DIII Student Athletes Using Machine Learning Techniques
  • Angel Cooper: Designing an Automotive Voice Interface for Wellbeing in the Future of Work
  • Anushé Sheikh: Digital Apartheid: A Look at Facial Recognition
  • Audrea Huang: If You Can See It, You Can Be It
  • Avery Kim : Nature and Machines
  • Bianca Pio: Iterative Design: Creating Connections in Isolation
  • Breanna White: Usage and Sustainability of Web3 As A Decentralized Model of the Web
  • Camila Lee: Combining Digital and Tangible Memories
  • Christine Lam: Algorithms and Chess Discussions: Is it Hate Speech?
  • Cynthia Serrano Najera: Participatory Design and Prototyping Systems
  • Daniela Buitrago: Security Vulnerabilities in Databases
  • Danya Gao: Fusing LiDAR and Cameras Together in Self Driving Cars
  • Elaney Cheng: Improving Logging Ingestion Quality at Pinterest: Combatting Data Corruption through CRC Validation
  • Esther Choe: Apples to Oranges: Utilizing Computer Graphics Methods
  • Eugenia Zhang: Immersive Analytics for Coral Reef Data: An Exploration of Collaborative Research and User Experience in Virtual Reality
  • Farida Tahiry : Letter Match
  • Funing Yang: An Extraction and Representation Pipeline for Literary Characters
  • Gabrielle Inchoco: Redefining the Computer: Exploring Analog Computers Across Cultures
  • Hanyue Terri Liu: Automatic Facial Analysis in Schizophrenia
  • Isabelle Bevier: Procedural Generation of Models, Textures, and Effects for 3D Art
  • Ivy Ho: Bridging the Wellesley Community Through the Global Flora
  • Jacquelyn Cai: What is cloud computing?
  • Jennifer Miranda: Raspberry Pi: Learning how to program through a card-sized computer
  • Jesslyn Goh: A Beginner's Guide to Medical Imaging using Deep Learning
  • Jiawei Liu: WeChat Targeted Ads Inside Out
  • Josie Ku: Building a Pandemic Board Game
  • Julia Bowers: Applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Dimensional Phenotyping of Clinical Notes in Serious Mental Illness
  • Kaylee Hill: Building an API with FLASK
  • Leah Teffera: Integrating Informed Consent into Social Media Platforms
  • Lian Bourret: Rediscovering Data in 19th Century America
  • Liz Huang: Wellesley Bus App: Bussin'
  • Lucy(Xinyu) Liu: Comparison Between Functional Components with Hooks and Class Based Components in React
  • Oreoluwa Odeyinka: A Survival Guide for Black Students in CS
  • Peyton Wang: Analyzing BLM Tweets with NLP/ML
  • Raine Tenerelli: Link: Connecting Teachers and Students Through Technology
  • Sara Clark: trove: Reimagining Social Media through Mobile App Development
  • Sarah Pardo: Optimal Voting Rules: Applying Computation to Democracy
  • Shreya Kochar: Microsoft Explore Internship Experience
  • Soumaya Dammak: Self-taught in Machine Learning
  • Tarini Banerji: Meta Metrics
  • Tiasa Kim: EnRoute: Pairing riders with similar routes and social interests
  • Wabil Asjad: Using Small Solutions to Solve Problems on a Larger Scale
  • Yasmin Afifi: ActOut - Taking HCI from Ideation to Full Implementation
  • Yaxin Liu: Computational Remote Technologies at the Airport
  • Yiran (Jessica) Wu: Data Management for Microservices: Challenges and Solutions
  • Ziyue Qian : Understanding Vaccine Beliefs Through Augmented Reality

Posters from the class of 2023 are available to those with a Wellesley account