Professor Brenda Baker, Arizona State University Thursday, April 22, 2020
Individuals from subsidiary graves around First Dynasty royal tombs and nearby funerary enclosures at Abydos, Egypt, are typically thought to have been sacrificed due to their large numbers, but what evidence supports this contention? Most were excavated in the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries, and only skulls or pathological remains were retained. Between 2002 and 2005, three funerary enclosures attributed to Aha were excavated by the University of Pennsylvania Museum, Yale University, New York University Institute of Fine Arts Expedition (PYIFA).
Brenda Baker will present her analysis of the skeletal remains that provide critical information regarding identity, lifestyle, and manner of death. Identities differ, based on age, sex, health status, and the quality and quantity of grave goods.
Presented by The Archaeological Institute of America's Boston Society in collaboration with the Dept. of Classical Studies at Wellesley College