Support & Resources
Booking a Professional Headshot (Guidelines for Student Sign-Ups)

Tess Mattern, Career Education's Director of Marketing and Operations, is available to take headshots for students by appointment.
Career Education Suit Program

Is your wardrobe lacking the professional attire required to attend a conference, interview, or meeting? The Career Education Suit Program has quality suiting options for all gender identities in a full range of sizes. Students can choose from jackets, skirts, dresses, and pants. Suits may be borrowed for up to 7 days, with the date of return set upon check out.
Discounted Princeton Review Test Preparation

Wellesley College has a contract with the Princeton Review that allows all students to get a 50% discount on any test prep courses. This includes the MCAT, GMAT, LSAT, GRE, and DAT.
Technical support: Wellesley Hive light sign up & posting

This resource is an overview of the Wellesley Hive Light-Sign on process.
Test Preparation Book Loan Program

Wellesley Career Education has LSAT, GRE, MCAT, DAT, or MTEL test prep books to lend to current students planning to take one of these exams in the near term.