Technical support: Wellesley Hive light sign up & posting
This resource is an overview of the Wellesley Hive Light-Sign on process.
Wellesley Hive Light Sign-Up
Already registered? Go to to sign in.
Not registered? Go to the Hive Internship Project page.
- Click on “Post a Project” to start the light sign up process
From the Welcome to The Hive pop up, select the login method you prefer.
- Parents and employers please select Email, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
- Alumnae
- Use Email, Linkedin, or Facebook for quick access to share your Hive Internship Project
- If you know your Wellesley login (your email) and password, please use Wellesley Sign in option.
From the Welcome to The Hive pop up, select the login method you prefer.
- Please provide the requested information to advance to the role select page. Please select your role accordingly (alumna, employer, or parent)
- Click on Continue to complete the light sign up
- Click on “Post a Project” to start the light sign up process
- You are ready to post!
- To view the full opportunities board with all active projects, please Complete Your Registration.
- For Wellesley Alumnae: to complete your registration on The Hive, you will need to use your Wellesley-issued email ( and login information. If you don’t remember, please email us at If you need to reset your password, do so through the WCAA Password Rest portal or calling the Wellesley College Computing Help Desk at 781-283-3333
How to Post Hive Internship Projects
Once you sign into the Hive, you are ready to share Hive Internship Projects with the Wellesley community. What does a Hive Internship Project look like? Click here and scroll to the examples to learn more.
Click on the Post a Project button to get started
On the Share a project page, please select to Create Custom Project, or use one of the 11 preset templates to use.
Preset templates contain minimum wording suggestions that should be customized.
Information needed on the Share details about this Opportunity page
- Company Details
- If the project is for a company, please enter the name
- Field is optional for projects not affiliated with a company
- Project Basics
- Enter the name for the Project Title/Role
- Please be detailed in your Project Description
- Include details on the hours and the specific work involved in the project.
- Select a Project Icon.
- Select Industries related to the project. Multiple industries can be selected.
- Additional Details
- Duration is for the total estimated project hours
- Hive Internship Projects should be 40 hours between January 5 to January 29. It is up to you and the student how to distribute these hours over this time period.
- Fill in 40 hours for a custom project. Templates are prefilled with 40 hours.
- Start Date can be listed in detail, flexible, or ASAP.
- Due Date can be listed in detail, estimated time, or flexible.
- If not using specific days for start/due date, please give some clarification in the Project Description section.
- Projects should be completed no later than January.
- Please list the qualification needed to complete the project in the Project Qualifications section.
- Duration is for the total estimated project hours
- Application Preferences
- Please select Through this site as the Application Type for the Hive Internship Projects
- When applicants apply through the Hive, you will receive the applications directly in your connected email
- Please select Through this site as the Application Type for the Hive Internship Projects
- For Only show this project to, please select All
- Expiration Date
- Automatically populated for 45 days duration
- If you prefer a different date, please enter in the field
- Once you hire for the project, it will be automatically deactivated
- Select yes for Require resume.
- Request Additional Documents
- Require any additional documents, please turn this on and enter the document description
- You have complete the details section, click on Preview and Submit to preview the posting
Please review the project details on the preview page
- Click Go Back and Edit if any changes are needed
- Click on Finish and Submit if done
You have successfully posted a Hive Internship Project!
Career Education will review each project and will reach out with any questions within 2 business days. All postings will be made visible to students on Monday, November 16.